Acai Scams Discredit the Acai Berry
Acai Berries are the subject of so much talk these days. From miracle superfood to subject of the latest internet scams, the berry is quite popular. Below, we take a look at one of the biggest proprietors of the Acai Berry, Sambazon’s, thoughts on the recent developments in Acai scams.

Sambazon is the biggest distributor of the Acai Berry worldwide and believes that all the recent scams on Acai Berry products promising weight loss, colon cleansing health, and improved sexual function are discrediting the actual proven effects of the berry.
The company persists that there is an “increasing amount of misleading information in circulation comparing packaged products to whole fruit or juice in an inaccurate attempt to discredit the true properties of acai. Years of tests conducted by accredited organizations in Brazil and the U.S. prove that when comparing pure fruit to pure fruit, or pure juice to pure juice, the antioxidant capacity of acai reigns superior to pomegranate, blueberry, blackberry, and most fruits available”.
Sambazon has spent the last eight years studying the berry and takes great care to put forth only the most healthy and pure Acai product as possible. The real deal Acai-though low in sugar and calories and rich in Omega fats and antioxidants-does not conclusively point to weight loss or any of the other promises out there, but it does point to overall better health.
(c) 2009 WeightLossDietForum.com
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