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Following the HCG Diet While on Vacation

It is that time of the year again, when you badly need a vacation. After toiling laboriously you know a break would bring much needed respite to your life. It would rejuvenate and infuse new life into you. However, there is one problem and that is you have just started the HCG diet. While on tour people tend to go berserk and eat to their hearts desires. If you are planning a trip to Las Vegas for instance, there is all possibility that you are going to indulge in some serious drinking. Besides the steak houses and assortment of fast food restaurants and stands are always a huge temptation.

Here’s the good news however. You don’t have to starve yourself to death while on vacation. In fact you are allowed to eat certain types of foods while on the HCG diet that would otherwise be frowned upon considering your weight. This is due to the fact that while on the HCG diet program you can consume a cap of upto 500 calories a day for the first 21 days and 1000 calories for the remaining 21 days.

The trick is to indulge in your favorite foods while abiding to the calorie restriction. The best time to go on a vacation would be during the second half of the HCG diet phase. This is due to the fact that you can consume upto 1000 calories in a day which leaves room for some serious indulgence while on vacation.

Moderation is the key while you are on holiday. You can safely eat foods such as steak, potatoes and other delectable items in moderation. Alcohol however should be avoided at all costs. Alcohol not only contains relatively higher calories than most foods but it could also have an adverse impact since you are being administered regular doses of the HCG hormone. The combination of alcohol and HCG in the blood could have disastrous consequence on your liver and other vital organs in your body.

While on vacation it is best to switch to HCG diet drops. These drops are made out of a synthesized variant of HCG called sublingual HCG. It has been proved that HCG diet drops are more effective in the weight loss process compared to injections. The sublingual HCG reacts faster in the body and increases the rate of metabolism by burning up all the fat and converting it back to energy.

The best part about the HCG diet program is that you can safely travel and go on long vacations while following it. You can moderately indulge in some of your favorite foods while on vacation as long as you keep track of the calorie count. If you religiously abide by the HCG diet program you can lose a pound a day during your vacation.


Jesse Walker writes for HCG Diet Package, a provider that allows you to buy HCG online. He loves to write about weight loss and general fitness as it relates to the HCG diet.

dieting weight loss

Garlic and Its Important Role in Quick Weight Loss

In the Four Hour Body book chapter on the PAGG stack supplement, Tim Ferriss says he owes the tip off about garlic for quick weight loss to a helpful homeless guy, passing comments at a restaurant barbeque.  But garlic has been known for centuries around the world, not only as a delicious ingredient in many regional cuisines, but also as a powerful health-giving ingredient.

Considered a natural antibiotic, garlic has had a resurgence in medicine in the light of fears of infection strains that are resistant to pharmaceutical formulations. Indeed it has been recorded as a herbal remedy for infection in Europe dating back to plagues in medieval times!  Often these plagues ravished the UK and northern Europe, sparing those further south who included garlic regularly in their diet.

It is also documented antioxidant, helping to lower levels of the dangerous low-density cholesterol, as well as accelerating the metabolism to act more broadly on weight control concerns – hence the inclusion of garlic in the PAGG stack supplement.  Parts of the world where use of garlic is a regular part of the traditional cuisine, such as in the Mediterranean basin, statistics often correlate with lower incidence of cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis – the Mediterranean diet is often touted as being great for heart health as well as weight control, for this very reason.

Despite the extensive and compelling anecdotal evidence, scientific trials on garlic often produce contradictory and inconclusive results.  Much remains unknown about the specific biological pathways involved, such as in the cholesterol-reduction effects.  One of the more powerful antioxidant factors in garlic is allicin, but this volatile ingredient is released when the clove is macerated or crushed, yet destroyed completely by cooking or ageing – and few delicious traditional Mediterranean recipes employ large quantities of raw garlic, in fact raw garlic can be hard on the digestion (just as with other raw alliums like onions), and needs to be used in small quantities only.

If there was likely to be any pharmaceutical profit in it of course the scientists could doubtless isolate the various compounds that react and interact in garlic as it behaves in the human body, but as an easily grown natural ingredient that would be unlikely to offer much return on investment, compared to synthetic statins and other products.  But the evidence remains, including Tim Ferriss’ ten years of testing as documented in the Four Hour Body, during the development of the PAGG stack (where aged garlic extract is combined with policosanol, alpha-lipoic acid and green tea flavanols to create a powerful fat-burning supplement).  Aged garlic extract was found by Ferriss to be the most potent and effective way of taking the large quantities needed for best effect, without having to consume it by the bucketload at every meal, or risk the equally-traditional ‘garlic breath’ that fresh extract can produce.  So responsible PAGG stack manufacturers like Pareto Nutrition use exclusively aged garlic extract, in precisely Ferriss’ recommendations, in their world-class product.

dieting free trials weight loss

Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits for Health and Wellness

Apple cider vinegar has been promoted as having therapeutic qualities. Hippocrates utilized apple cider vinegar back in 400 BC for treating abrasions and to ease pain in aching joints. Using apple cider vinegar for a diet supplement began its popularity in the 1970s, however there wasn’t any scientific evidence to support these weight reduction claims. From the turn of this century, scientists started to look closely at why cider vinegar received such a standing as a health and wellness tonic.

Fat Decreasing Mechanism
Acetic acid is believed to be the key compound responsible for the weight loss properties in the apple cider vinegar weight loss diet. Two studies carried out in Japan by the Mizkan Group declare that the acetic acid content in vinegar might have the capacity to decrease fatty acid deposition in humans and rats at the genetic level. The Mizkan scientists observed an increase in the activity in the PPAR-alpha right after vinegar was consumed. The PPAR-alpha is a chemical that functions like a mini organ inside body cells, removing toxic compounds and releasing certain enzymes which oxidize fatty acids to stimulate the burning-up of calories.

Curbing Your Appetite
Apple cider vinegar benefits have been long used for helping to suppress an individual’s appetite. Even So, until lately, vinegar’s capacity to provide a stronger feeling of satiety was treated as an old wife tale. Dr Mindell says in his book, “The Amazing Apple Cider Vinegar ” adding pickled food items and consuming watered down vinegar prior to or with meals, delivers a fuller feeling. This statement is supported by a Lund University study whic arrived at the very same conclusion.

Nearly every study pertaining to the apple cider vinegar diet open to the general public suggests that 2 tablespoons. is the beneficial dosage required for achieving efficient weight reduction results. Even So, vinegar needs to be watered down with water or some other beverage to avoid its sharp flavor, strong smell and possible damage to soft tissues. Promoters suggest using raw apple cider vinegar only that featuresa vinegar sediment called “mother.” This “mother” is living fermented cells which feature nutrients, enzymes, minerals and bacteria which are stated to be vital for a successful diet.

dieting free trials weight loss

The HCG Ultra Diet Drops Review As A Guide

It is truly difficult to find the perfect weight loss diet plan.  Many dieters could attest to tat.  There have been a lot of dieters over the years that have almost given up with the desire to lose weight because they usually end up discouraged.  Coming across an hCG Ultra diet drops review could be the push needed by a dieter in order to go on the hCG diet.  A lot of people have found hope in the hCG injections diet just because they have read hCG diet reviews.  These reviews could be the key to making dieters aware of the hCG diet and the benefits that people could get by losing weight through the said diet.

There are quite a few who wonder what these hCG diet reviews contain.  An hCG Ultra diet drops review could contain information about the effects of the hCG diet on the dieters.   It could also talk about the different phases that are involved in the hCG diet.  This is why these reviews are sources of valuable information; dieters could glean the knowledge regarding the hCG diet and at the same time learn about the experiences of those who have tried the diet already.  Many dieters have believed these hCG reviews because they know that these came from credible sources: from previous hCG dieters.

It is relatively easy to come across an hCG Ultra diet drops review because the internet is teeming with a lot of hCG diet reviews.  There may be mixed reviews regarding the hCG diet, but this have not deterred the decision of a lot of dieters who have gone on the hCG diet.  These dieters remain to be the role models of a lot of aspiring dieters who also want to lose weight rapidly.  Many dieters have found their luck and their happiness in the hCG diet and many more are following their footsteps.  The hCG diet shows a lot of promise especially to those who have been trying all of their lives to lose their excess weight.

Because the hCG diet shows a lot of promise, a lot of people have been reading hCG diet reviews online with hopes of knowing more about the hCG diet.  Reading an hCG Ultra diet drops review could help a dieter to decide whether he or she will go on the hormone diet as a means of losing weight.  For those who have gone on the hCG diet successfully, they have truly lost a lot of weight at a rapid pace.  The hCG diet requires dedication and patience, even though the weight loss is rapid.  Dieters should know very well what the hCG diet’s protocols are so that everything will go on smoothly.

dieting free trials weight loss

Q&A – Vitamin B12 Benefits and Painful Injections

Q: What are the vitamin B12 benefits and side effects? I have heard there are quite a few benefits and that this vitamin has a great vital role in our body, but I never heard of any side effects whatsoever.

A: You are correct. B12 vitamin injections have a lot of benefits, and here are the main ones. First, it helps our body to replicate DNA, which is an important functioning of any living creature’s body. Secondly, it helps our body to grow tissues and form red blood cells. Also, vitamin B12 is responsible for the formation of Myelin, a fatty protective substance that is formed around our brain nerve cells, in order to protect any signal from the brain to the rest of our body.

Vitamin B12 also helps our body to lower the levels of Homo cysteine in our blood, an amino acid which has been linked more than once to a greater risk of developing a lot of our modern world’s diseases, such as heart attack, cancer, Alzheimer, and many more. Finally, vitamin B12 boosts up our metabolism, which helps keeping us more likely to get active, and thus lose some weight over the long term. There are absolutely no side effects for vitamin B12. This vitamin is water soluble and easily washes away with our urine.

Q: What about vitamin B12 injections? Do they have any side effects?

A: Vitamin B12 injections side effects are a different story. The major side effect of these shots are the pain involved with them. The only group of people who I would recommend taking these injections are people having difficulties absorbing vitamin B12 into their blood stream. For any other person, I would recommend going for the common and effective sub lingual tablets, intra nasal gel and sprays, or simply consuming larger amounts of vitamin B12 rich foods in your diet.

exercise free trials weight loss

Working Out with a Whole Body Vibration Machine

Lose the fat just by standing in place? It does seem a little unrealistic. It’s no surprise that so many people have a really hard time believing that it is true. But whole body vibration machines are showing promise in delivering many results, as was demonstrated in recent research studies.

Believe it or not, now there is an exercise device that is able to make it easier for you to reduce your weight, and the only thing you have to do is just stand on the vibration plate.  It might be hard to imagine, but researchers are finding that it is not that unrealistic after all.  Working out on a vibrating machine provides quite a few health advantages.  One example is that you can eliminate belly fat by working out on one of these machines.

Russians were the first to use vibration machines during missions. However, they weren’t the first to make use of the technology.  A doctor from Battle Creek, MI produced a vibrating chair for his patients way back in the year 1895. The physician who introduced this piece of equipment was none other than Dr. John Kellogg, one of the two brothers who developed Kellogg’s Corn Flakes.

So just how is it possible to slim down by standing still?  It is due to the simple fact that even though you are immobile, your muscles are not.  Your muscle tissues are tensing several times each and every second you are on the machine in response to the machine’s vibrations.  These quick contractions help tone and strengthen the muscle tissue.  It does not take a lot of time to complete your daily workout with the vibration exercise machine.  It takes just ten minutes each day.

For many people, the weight loss and fat-burning that result from the use of the vibrating machine are plenty, but that isn’t all the device is useful for.  Some of additional advantages are improved flexibility and strength.  You will discover that as the muscles in your body strengthen, your performance in some athletic abilities will improve as well.  Vibration exercise machines may also help delay osteoporosis by reducing the loss of bone density.

Perhaps you are tempted to shop for a vibrating machine by analyzing the asking price alone.  However, you should be careful not to purchase a vibration exercise machine that was manufactured in China from inexpensive materials.  The shaking that the device has to withstand puts a great deal of stress on it, so you should consider a version that is made of steel.  The form of vibration is something else that you should take into consideration before you buy a vibration machine.  Don’t purchase a vibration machine that has piston, or tri-planar, vibration.  The most effective kind of vibration is pivoting vibration, which is also called oscillating vibration.