Stanley Burrough introduced his body cleansing diet and weight-loss lemonade diet in 1941. This program facilitates cleansing one’s whole digestive system by way of a single nutritious beverage over the course of 10 days. The lemonade diet primarily employs specific ingredients to help with the cleansing process. It is important to make sure the drink is made fresh on each of the 10 days in order to gain the benefits of the nutrients it contains.
Major Ingredients:
The natural ingredient key to making this highly nutritious beverage is lemon juice. This ingredient supports the body’s digestive system and aids the cleansing routine in achieving exceptional results. This ingredient’s acid content assists the body with properly producing bile, in turn enabling food particles the ability to easily travel through the body’s digestive track. It also helps to control the levels of blood sugar in the body and ensures individuals stay well-nourished over the course of the diet.
The drink also contains grade-B maple syrup, another healthy product. This syrup assists with producing manganese, which helps improve the body’s energy levels so it can effectively perform daily activities. Cayenne pepper is another ingredient used, which works by suppressing food cravings and appetite. In addition, this ingredient helps the body burn extra calories. For your convenience, these ingredients can be blended with pure drinking water in a smoothie maker.
This program supports completely removing toxins from the body quickly and efficiently. In addition to promoting weight loss, this program increases the body’s energy levels, which helps improve concentration levels and makes the skin appear well-toned. This not only helps individuals think in a constructive, positive manner, but helps assist in maintaining a healthy body.
Thus the lemonade diet plan is easy and safe to implement. Although it uses all-natural ingredients, it is important for those who suffer from diseases or other ailments to seek medical assistance before beginning to ensure that their medications do not negatively interact with any aspect of this weight-loss program.
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