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What Does It Really Mean to Be Overweight?

Obesity is an ever increasing problem in the US now-a-days. Studies show that over 66 percent of Americans can be categorized as either fat or obese, and the medical community is even going so far as to call it an epidemic. However, with today’s aesthetic standards as portrayed by the media and the fashion community, it can be very tough to decipher what is actually a healthy weight. No doctor would recommend trying to be stick-thin, but we all know that obesity is dangerous to the health. So, where is that healthy midline? What, exactly, does it mean to the general public to be “overweight?” Here are the plain facts:

Overweight (Photo credit: just.Luc)

The definition. Being overweight means weighing more than what is healthy. This amount varies from person to person, as it depends on factors that are unique to each person’s build. Therefore, what is overweight for you might not be overweight for someone else.

Overweight compared to being obese. It is important that you understand that overweight does not necessarily mean obese. Healthy (or unhealthy) body weight is graded on a scale, including the categories of “normal weight,” “overweight,” “obese,” and “morbidly obese.” Each level has its own set of qualifying factors and, of course, morbidly obese is the most dangerous. Being overweight means being one step above normal weight, one step below obese, and two steps below morbidly obese.

What factors are used to determine overweight? Your body mass index (BMI) is used to determine where you are categorized on the health/morbidly-obese scale. Your BMI is a measure of your body’s composition, accounting for how much you weigh in relation to your height. There are various different methods to calculate BMI. The simplest is to use an online BMI calculator, but for the most exact figure, it is a good idea to see a doctor or nutritionist. If your BMI falls between 25 and 30, you are generally considered overweight. However, it is important to keep in mind that BMI has no way of accounting for your muscle to fat ratio. This ratio can make a major difference in your overall health, and therefore can change your status as overweight. For example, if you are a serious athlete with a lot of muscle, you may weigh more than someone else your height who is at a “normal” weight, but that doesn’t mean you are overweight.

Overweight is a term that is used loosely, which makes it confusing when determining whether or not you fit into that category. Your best bet is to consult with your doctor to figure out if you are overweight, and if you could benefit from lowering your BMI.

About the Author: Tommye Lounder is a health and wellness specialist who specializes in educating people about their bodies. He enjoys researching common medical conditions, including candida expert opinions, heart health, addictions, and the body’s metabolism.

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8 Easiest Ways To Lose Weight

Do you love the character Garfield? Who doesn’t; the over-sized tabby is amongst the most popular comic characters of all times. Garfield’s obsessive craving for juicy lasagna may earn him brownie points (pun intended!), but in real life, it would ensure a trip to the dieticians’ clinic. His nonchalant attitude makes no difference to his weight troubles whatsoever, but would not have taken him far in the real world.

It goes without saying – in reality it is a tad difficult to feel great about being overweight. Weight loss or control is a commitment which you need to keep for a lifetime. You should have what it takes; to face the truth and introduce few lifestyle changes.

Actually, it is easier to take one baby step at a time, than pushing full steam into a weight loss program as per various researches conducted over the years.

Walking for Weight Loss

Image Credit: o5com

A simple formula of burning more calories than your total intake works wonders than any fad diet. As per experts if your goal is to reduce 2 pounds a week, try to burn as many as 7000 calories. Why? Because 1 pound is the same as 3500 calories!

But how will you manage to achieve this goal? Follow a few easy (& obvious) guidelines to achieve your perfect weight (calculate your BMI first which is: BMI – [Weight in Pounds / (Height in inches x Height in inches)] x 703)

Simple Methods For Weight Loss

  1. Set Simple Achievable Goals – Lose weight gradually as research indicates that people who lose their weight in achievable parts (e.g. a pound per week) have a better chance of maintaining their optimal weight.
  2. Eat Small Portions – It is easy to stuff yourself with anything and everything resulting in weight gain. Stick to 5-6 small portion sized meals/snacks in a day so that your metabolism rate is maintained.
  3. Do Not Miss Breakfast – Breakfast is the most important meal of the day as it helps to provide necessary energy to launch your day. Eat foods that are high in fiber such as cereals to make you feel full for longer duration. Add some low fat milk or yoghurt and you are ready to go.
  4. Eat Foods From All Groups – Experts believe that it is better to add than to cut down. Hence increase your intake of high fiber foods such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables. This will automatically cut down the need for high calorie and high glycemic index foods. And since weight loss does not mean becoming unhealthy keep the nutritive value intact by eating food that offer benefits of proteins, carbohydrates with low glycemic index, vitamins, minerals, essential fats and amino acids.
  5. Drink Water Aplenty – Water carries nutrition in the body and removes toxins. By replacing sugar and calorie laden juices and carbonated drinks with water, you will notice a drastic fall in your weight. For instance you can cut down as many as 150 calories by drinking one less can of soda per day.
  6. Sufficient Snooze Time – Research indicates that people indulge in binge eating if they sleep less. So to aim for lesser calories increase your snooze time which ideally should be 7-8 hours for adults.
  7. Build Muscles With ExerciseExercising not only improves your metabolism but it also helps build muscle mass which again contributes to burning of comparatively more calories (as much as 35 – 50 calories for 1 pound of muscle). Opt for exercises which can be switched between high intensity and low intensity to avail optimal burnout. If you cannot exercise, take a walk down the block or climb stairs.
  8. Track Changes – Keep tabs on how much you lose so that you are motivated to continue with your program. Seek support from family and friends to keep your motivation levels soaring.

And once you have lost weight, wear outfits that garner compliments. This will serve as an impetus to maintain your optimal body weight!

The author has been writing articles on health issues such as yoga, growth hormones, essential oils, hair care and acne solution.