How to Shed Unwanted Body Fats
An extravagant and inactive lifestyle is one of the main reasons of making people obese. Add to this eating junk food (including fried food) that piles up the fat in your body. Consequently, this accumulate fat restricts physical movements for most people. This shouldn’t stop you though if you really want to lose fat.
Following a strict diet plan (of 10-11 days) can make a person lose fat and become fit and healthy. It is necessary for the dieter though to keep track of his or her body weight and continue following the plan and do some exercise even if weight-loss results have already been achieved.
For further motivation, it is necessary to think of fats as harmful to the body. Remember that excess fats in the body can lead to joint pains, rheumatism, and even more serious ones such as diabetes, angina, high-blood pressure, spinal problems, and heart attacks. Overweight or not, it is imperative for people have to watch their fat intake.
Tips to lose body fat:
- Always consume brown bread instead of white bread during breakfast. Also, remember to include fresh fruits like berries and apples, and milk in your breakfast as they contain pectin (limits fat absorption in cell walls) and calcium, respectively.
- Consume vitamin C and protein-rich food like cereals and eggs during supper. They help flush and burn fats more easily.
- Salads, a piece of dessert, egg, lean turkey, whole grains, soybeans, oatmeal, and garlic should be part of your lunch and dinner meals. Season your food with hot pepper as well because it breaks down fatty acids.
- And the most important diet rule of all: drink plenty of water. Water speeds up your metabolism and helps you flush out fats and harmful toxins from your body.
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