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Common Bodybuilding Mistakes That Are Stifling Your Progress

There are articles and books on how to build muscle and get into shape, but for the most part these all focus on what you should be doing and on the good advice on how to get into shape. The problem then is that you can follow all this advice closely, but still be doing one or two things wrong that slow down or even prevent progress. In short you need to know what not to do as well as what to do, and you need to learn from the mistakes of others. Here we will look at some of the most Common Bodybuilding Mistakes people make when they’re trying to build muscle, at why they are so serious, and at how you can avoid it happening to you. Read on…

Not Getting Enough Sleep

Many people don’t realize the highly important role of sleep when they’re working out. This is a big mistake however as actually sleep is completely crucial for muscle growth. That’s because we need to repair the micro-tears that form in our muscles in order for them to grow, and the way to do this is by getting sleep which puts our body in an anabolic sleep. The more you workout, the more you must sleep.

Common Bodybuilding Mistakes

Not Training Hard Enough

This is a very common mistake people make where they simply don’t put enough effort into the workouts they do. This is not helped by a lot of articles which tell people they don’t need to be hurting or that they don’t need to make it unpleasant. Unfortunately the reality is that it kind of does have to hurt at least a bit because that’s how you know you’re making microtears.

Sticking to One Plan

If you’re one of those people who goes into the gym holding a piece of paper that says every workout you’re going to do on it then you aren’t doing yourself any favors. The problem here is that if you’re sticking to the same program then you aren’t getting enough variation in your training, and you’ll find yourself waiting around for too long as well waiting for a particular machine.

Doing Too Much CV

If you’re trying to grow in muscle rather than just burning fat then there comes a point where running on the treadmill becomes counter productive. This is because you are likely to start burning muscle as well as fat which will actually cause your muscle to somewhat shrink. In fact too rigorous a bodybuilding program can do this too, so think slow and heavy movements and low numbers of reps, not hard and fast training if it’s muscle growth you want.

exercise weight loss

5 Reasons Strength Training is Important for Everyone

When people contemplate the art of strength training, they think of body builders. The truth is though strength training is beneficial for everyone. It doesn’t matter if you’re in your 20s or 80s. The simple act of lifting small weights or doing body-weight exercises can have numerous benefits. Whether you want to protect your bones from osteoporosis or burn calories more efficiently, strength training can do wonders. Here are just five reasons strength training is important for everyone.

Bone Protection

There are two ways strength training can protect your bones. First of all, strength training is said to make your bones stronger. Another reasons is that building muscle can protect your bones during an injury. This is especially real when you’re older in age and suffer from osteoporosis disease. Having muscle can mean the difference between a few bruises or a broken hip.

Natural Fat Burner

Think of your muscles as an engine that needs fuel. That fuel comes form calories consumed. When you have more muscles, your body is able to burn more calories. Anyone that wants to lose weight or maintain their weight should definitely make strength training part of their routine.

Offers Better Focus

As we get older, it can be harder to concentrate. There have been studies done that suggest a strength training routine may help senior citizens to stay better focused.

Muscle Loss Prevention

We have a choice as we age. We can sit back and watch our health decline or we can do something about it. When it comes to our muscles, regular strength training is essential because it prevents muscle loss. In other words, muscles are something that will lose if you don’t take action.

More Energy

Last, but not least, those that practice regular strength training have more energy and aren’t as easily fatigued. This is a wonderful benefit whether you’re in your 20s or 80s. After all, who couldn’t use additional levels of energy? Best of all though is that this is a natural energy boost and is beneficial in so many other areas.

Strength training is a wonderful form of exercise that has several benefits. Best of all, strength training can be low impact. You don’t need 25 pound dumbbells in order to train your muscles. In fact, those that simply hope to tone their muscles need to focus on smaller weights with more reps or even using your own body weight. And remember, if you don’t use your muscles, you will lose them. Start a strength training regime now to get your muscles in shape and your body toned.

About the Author: Mabel Hickingbotham loves exercising and stresses the importance of strength training in any routine. Many people just want to know how to get ripped fast, which is fine for some, but many others need to learn how to move from an out-of-shape body to one that is carefully cared for. Take your time and you’ll soon be healthier than ever.

dieting weight loss

Tips for the 6-week Workout Program for Women

Tips for the 6-week Workout Program for Women

·    Preparation
Before you start any kind of gym workout routines for women, you need to consult with your personal physician, especially if you are over 45. In women with heart disease history, it is highly recommended that they undergo an initial EKG test to determine the overall state of health. Another way to measure your cardiac pace is to check whether you can talk easily while performing the exercises.
·    Plan your 6-week workout program
–    All gym workout routines for women start with easy exercises. Put together a routine that includes exercises of various difficulties, over a span of 6 weeks.
–    Measure your heart rate every now and then.
–    Perform difficult exercises every 15 minutes; alternate them with easy ones, so you can catch your breath. Gradually increase the frequency and length of the difficult exercises as you progress with your 6-week workout program.
–    Workout for at least three times a week, or an overall of 90 minutes weekly.
·    Avoid accidents throughout your 6-week workout program
–    Switch back to the initial position after each series of exercises.
–    Use only high quality sport shoes.
–    Wear comfortable clothes made of cotton.
–    When you perform your workout routine outdoors, wear only colorful clothes so you can avoid accidents. In addition, carefully plan your route for workout, considering the street traffic rules.
–    Avoid exercising right after lunch or after you consumed alcohol.
–    Do not push your body too hard if you have flu symptoms.
·    Other useful tips for gym workout routines for women
Always measure the results of your workout, so you can see how far you have come and find motivation. For realistic measurements, you can redo the medical tests and notice how your physical shape has improved.
Exercising alone will not improve your health greatly. In order to get the optimum benefits from the 6 week workout program, you have to quit smoking and follow a diet low in saturated fats and cholesterol.

Acai Berry dieting exercise weight loss

Start Exercising At Home

Going to the gym and exercising is not as easy as it sounds. People have so many excuses why they can’t go to the gym. Its either they are too busy, too tired or simply don’t want to go to the gym. Others feel insecure when they see people who show off their well-toned bodies in the gym. This is where home fitness comes in. you can get fit in the comforts of your own home. The key to getting the perfect body is in you. You don’t need special machines to get started on your fitness journey.

First thing you need to do is be committed. You should be determined to lead a healthier and fitter life. You can start by doing some stretching first then you can proceed to the actual exercise. If you like running then you can go running in your neighborhood or a nearby park. If you’re into biking then get some fresh air and ride around town. If you want to stay at home then you can climb up the stairs repeatedly or do dome push-ups. These are easy home fitness exercises that most people can do at home.

If you want to lift weights then you can buy weight benches. Buy one that is adjustable at the top and bottom. This is ideal for different kinds of weight work-outs. Now, with these exercises there is no reason for you not to get fit. For others, they would want to buy an exercise machine. That is perfectly fine if you have the budget and space for them. Other machines cost thousands of dollars not to mention the space that they consume. Others who are serious in body building may buy basic weight benches that have a bar on top where you can put your barbell. Find an exercise or exercise machine that makes you comfortable. Exercising getting fit should be fun and you should enjoy yourself.

Acai Berry exercise

A Skinny Guy’s Guide To Build Muscles Fast

Being the smallest thing when you are with your friends is not a good thing, both how people perceive you and your self-esteem. It sucks like crazy having a figure 1 shape with no developed muscle whatsoever. However, you are not doomed to be like that, it is possible for you to bulk up fast and build chest muscles through exercise. However, it is not going to be so easy since you will have to go through more stages to achieve this compared to an ordinary full figured person. You will adopt a good skinny guy workout program that will focus on muscle development rather than burning fat but before you get to that, you have to eat to gain more energy. Anyone can build muscle no matter their physical appearance, they just have to know the right way how.

You have to increase your calorie intake by simply increasing the quality and quantity of food you take. Since you are different from regular guys, you will strive to come close to them by eating more, like six meals in a day but you have to be careful to eat only good foods. This means that there should be no processed carbohydrates, bad fats and junk foods. Increased calories will supply the body with the energy to workout, the body will use proteins and vitamins to produce growth hormones that will be used to build muscle.

Work out your muscles just enough- working out longer does not necessarily mean that you will bulk up more. Your workout sessions should be no more than 45 minutes and you should workout three days a week, not more. In order to build chest muscle, you will basically be lifting heavy to apply pressure on the muscles but be careful on how you do this. Each lifting should have between 8 and 12 reps, not more not less.