There are articles and books on how to build muscle and get into shape, but for the most part these all focus on what you should be doing and on the good advice on how to get into shape. The problem then is that you can follow all this advice closely, but still be doing one or two things wrong that slow down or even prevent progress. In short you need to know what not to do as well as what to do, and you need to learn from the mistakes of others. Here we will look at some of the most Common Bodybuilding Mistakes people make when they’re trying to build muscle, at why they are so serious, and at how you can avoid it happening to you. Read on…
Not Getting Enough Sleep
Many people don’t realize the highly important role of sleep when they’re working out. This is a big mistake however as actually sleep is completely crucial for muscle growth. That’s because we need to repair the micro-tears that form in our muscles in order for them to grow, and the way to do this is by getting sleep which puts our body in an anabolic sleep. The more you workout, the more you must sleep.

Not Training Hard Enough
This is a very common mistake people make where they simply don’t put enough effort into the workouts they do. This is not helped by a lot of articles which tell people they don’t need to be hurting or that they don’t need to make it unpleasant. Unfortunately the reality is that it kind of does have to hurt at least a bit because that’s how you know you’re making microtears.
Sticking to One Plan
If you’re one of those people who goes into the gym holding a piece of paper that says every workout you’re going to do on it then you aren’t doing yourself any favors. The problem here is that if you’re sticking to the same program then you aren’t getting enough variation in your training, and you’ll find yourself waiting around for too long as well waiting for a particular machine.
Doing Too Much CV
If you’re trying to grow in muscle rather than just burning fat then there comes a point where running on the treadmill becomes counter productive. This is because you are likely to start burning muscle as well as fat which will actually cause your muscle to somewhat shrink. In fact too rigorous a bodybuilding program can do this too, so think slow and heavy movements and low numbers of reps, not hard and fast training if it’s muscle growth you want.