Well, you may agree or you may not, but, all of us lead a hectic lifestyle these days. Most of us lack daily physical activities due to work pressure; additionally, thanks to the inconsistent food habit, whatever is inevitable just happens. We gain weight pretty fast! But its now time to burn calories and get fit.
You won’t find a single person who loves to be called fatso and losing those extra calories requires some work. Well, things that you will learn in the following sections are not hard to follow and with an intelligent usage of time and willpower, you will lose oodles of weight in quick succession.

Isn’t Drinking Easy?
No, we are not talking about alcohol here, but chilled water. Wonder how does it work? Well, recent researches have proved that when you take some frigid water, the body metabolism increases to take the water temperature down to your normal body’s. Consumption of 1 liter frigid water can help you lose 30 calories and you don’t need to work out or so, so why don’t take advantage of this involuntary body mechanism?
Using an exercise ball
In today’s tech savvy world, many people spend their entire day working while sitting on a chair. Lack of movement stacks extra fat in your body and you can simply avoid this by using an exercise ball instead of a normal chair. Every minute, you can lose as much as 3 calories by sitting on an exercise ball. In addition, your midriff is firmed and stomach muscles get a proper shape.
It’s even better if you work out a little sitting on your exercise ball, such as: weight training, abdominal training, yoga and Pilates exercises.
Arm Lifts
This is also known as Magic Carpet. Here, you lift yourself off your chair and then keep yourself suspended in the air for some time. Thanks to Magic Carpet, you can shed as much as 10 calories in every single minute. Follow the steps to do a proper arm lift:
- Wrap your fingers around the armrests.
- Now, cross your ankles.
- Now, tuck your stomach inside and start lifting yourself off the chair.
- If possible, try to hold the same position for 20 seconds or so and then release. When you start, even holding for 10 seconds should be good enough.
- You should breathe normally when you are suspended in the air.
Well, when you try arm lifting for the first time, your arm muscles and stomach may pain like hell, but don’t quit right at that time. Once you start doing this at a regular basis, the ache will be a matter of past.
Leg Lifts
After arms, it’s now time to learn lifting your legs. You can easily burn around 60 calories thanks to this movement. You have to lift your legs parallel to the floor. Repeat it every 10 minutes, alternating between the legs. You don’t even have to leave your workstation while doing this movement as you can sit on your workstation, continue your work and still get leaner the easy way. Doesn’t sound like that you are killing off two birds with a single stone!
These aforementioned 4 steps will definitely help you in your journey to shed the extra pounds. When it comes to killing off that extra fat, you can always consult a physical fitness trainer as well. Otherwise, try out some of the most renowned weight loss products such as Bistro MD or Diet To Go. Well, they are not really costly anymore because there is numerous bistro md coupon code or diet to go discount that you will find online.
Remember one thing, to get a better health; you should just develop a few good health practices. For instances, use the stairs instead of the lift, or stand more than sitting.