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4 Easy Ways to Burn Calories and Get Fit

Well, you may agree or you may not, but, all of us lead a hectic lifestyle these days. Most of us lack daily physical activities due to work pressure; additionally, thanks to the inconsistent food habit, whatever is inevitable just happens. We gain weight pretty fast! But its now time to burn calories and get fit.

You won’t find a single person who loves to be called fatso and losing those extra calories requires some work. Well, things that you will learn in the following sections are not hard to follow and with an intelligent usage of time and willpower, you will lose oodles of weight in quick succession.

But its now time to burn calories and get fit.
English: Elderly man with a dumbell sitting on an exercise ball (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Isn’t Drinking Easy?

No, we are not talking about alcohol here, but chilled water. Wonder how does it work? Well, recent researches have proved that when you take some frigid water, the body metabolism increases to take the water temperature down to your normal body’s. Consumption of 1 liter frigid water can help you lose 30 calories and you don’t need to work out or so, so why don’t take advantage of this involuntary body mechanism?

Using an exercise ball

In today’s tech savvy world, many people spend their entire day working while sitting on a chair. Lack of movement stacks extra fat in your body and you can simply avoid this by using an exercise ball instead of a normal chair. Every minute, you can lose as much as 3 calories by sitting on an exercise ball. In addition, your midriff is firmed and stomach muscles get a proper shape.

It’s even better if you work out a little sitting on your exercise ball, such as: weight training, abdominal training, yoga and Pilates exercises.

Arm Lifts

This is also known as Magic Carpet. Here, you lift yourself off your chair and then keep yourself suspended in the air for some time. Thanks to Magic Carpet, you can shed as much as 10 calories in every single minute. Follow the steps to do a proper arm lift:

  • Wrap your fingers around the armrests.
  • Now, cross your ankles.
  • Now, tuck your stomach inside and start lifting yourself off the chair.
  • If possible, try to hold the same position for 20 seconds or so and then release. When you start, even holding for 10 seconds should be good enough.
  • You should breathe normally when you are suspended in the air.

Well, when you try arm lifting for the first time, your arm muscles and stomach may pain like hell, but don’t quit right at that time. Once you start doing this at a regular basis, the ache will be a matter of past.

Leg Lifts

After arms, it’s now time to learn lifting your legs. You can easily burn around 60 calories thanks to this movement. You have to lift your legs parallel to the floor. Repeat it every 10 minutes, alternating between the legs. You don’t even have to leave your workstation while doing this movement as you can sit on your workstation, continue your work and still get leaner the easy way. Doesn’t sound like that you are killing off two birds with a single stone!

These aforementioned 4 steps will definitely help you in your journey to shed the extra pounds. When it comes to killing off that extra fat, you can always consult a physical fitness trainer as well. Otherwise, try out some of the most renowned weight loss products such as Bistro MD or Diet To Go. Well, they are not really costly anymore because there is numerous bistro md coupon code or diet to go discount that you will find online.

Remember one thing, to get a better health; you should just develop a few good health practices. For instances, use the stairs instead of the lift, or stand more than sitting.

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The Key Factors Associated With Weight Loss Diets, Such As The Dukan Diet

Most diet plans today guarantee rapid, sustainable results.  The fact is, while many diet plans may deliver desired weight loss results initially, many fail to maintain the new, healthier body weight.  There are several factors that contribute to the effectiveness of a diet plan; these are factors that the Dukan diet addresses that result in safe, sustainable weight loss.  Below is a discussion of a few of the factors that influence the effectiveness of a diet plan and how adherence to their principles by using a plan such as the Dukan diet, can drastically increase the success rate of a weight loss program.

High Protein

Weight loss programs that include a high protein diet plan are more effective than those that do not incorporate adequate quantities of protein.  Protein is responsible for repairing cells throughout the body and supports the growth and maintenance of lean muscle tissue.  Without adequate amounts of protein in the diet, metabolic efficiency is reduced and weight loss is difficult.

Low Fat

While the consumption of some dietary fat is necessary for health, over consumption of fats, especially saturated fats, can result in unhealthy consequences.  However, by ingesting an appropriate quantity of dietary fat, cravings can be suppressed and body fat loss can be enhanced.

Abundant Vegetables

Vegetables provide the body with nutrients that are essential for overall health.  Additionally, many vegetables are fiber dense, which contributes to digestive health and provides a feeling of satisfaction when consumed with meals in the right quantities, which helps prevent overeating.


One of the most important factors that influence the effectiveness of a diet plan is its simplicity.  A diet plan, such as the Dukan diet, that is not complicated and offers a variety of high protein food sources, has a much greater chance of being successful over other, more complicated, weight loss diets.  Ease of use, various healthy food choices and simplicity are what ultimately result in sustainable weight loss success.

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Some Fad Diets That Work

Taking a healthy diet and exercising regularly are a few ways you can do to lose weight. Dieting is also another method you can use to lose weight, but it does not work for everybody. In case, you want to lose weight within a short period, consider using fad diets that work.

Taking a juice diet is one of the best ways to keep your body healthy. The juice diet ensures that you get all the relevant nutrients like vitamins, which help to burn fat in the body. Besides burning body fat, the juice diet helps you lower the amount of carbohydrates you consume every day. The best juices to consume are in their natural state for example, pineapple, tomato, grape, carrot, or even orange.

An example of other diets that work fast may include taking cabbage soup. This is a diet for those who are very eager to lose weight. The main ingredient for this diet is cabbage soup, which is among crash diets that work to reduce weight very fast. Celebrities and models mainly use this method to maintain good body shape.

There are many crash diets that work fast and grapefruit diet is another example of such a diet. Grapefruit substitute a number of foods regularly digested by the body. It also helps to increase the rate of metabolism in the body system. Increase in the rate of metabolism, will quickly help burn accumulated fat in the body.

There are several other fad diets that work and will help you reduce weight in a short time and motivate you towards healthy living habits. If you happen to try a particular fad diet and notice good results, avoid abusing it or practicing it all time. Regardless of the weight loss diet you select, ensure that you are living a healthy lifestyle even after losing extra pounds by taking a balanced diet.

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HCG Diet Recipes For You To Enjoy

We might well be familiar with the human chorionic gonadotropin or HCG weight loss program as a strict dieting strategy that has helped lots of people trim down their weight to the ideal in the past few decades. It is one of those diets that severely limit the caloric intake of the dieter. It allows only a mere 500 calories per day in general but the number of calories you can have may differ depending on your needs. However, it is this restriction, plus the intake of synthetically developed HCG hormones, that gives the weight loss program its uniqueness and apparent effectiveness.

This kind of weight loss program is found to be quite effective in encouraging users to observe a healthy lifestyle and well-balanced diet. However, the thing about the HCG diet program is that your regular, everyday cookbooks will soon become useless – temporarily. The good news is there are some recipes that can be given adjustments so they can fit in to the standards of the HCG diet program. And this is the irony in this weight loss program. While it severely limits your caloric intake, it will not leave you hungry or lacking in energy. How is this possible? Thanks to the HCG diet recipes.

There are several HCG diet recipes that we will be able to find in cookbooks and it is even possible to search for them online. The most popular ones include fruit salads, lettuce wraps, and shish kabobs. It is even possible to have the rest of the family or your friends who are not into the diet partake in your meals without them having to notice the difference. This is because there are HCG diet recipes like Lively Citrus Basil Chicken, Foil Baked Fish, and Italian Herbed Fish And Broccoli. You can also enjoy sweet and sour lemonade along the way.

While some diets will keep you from snacking, the HCG diet plan will allow you to enjoy desserts like warm apples that you can cook inside a microwave oven. And there are several other HCG desserts that can help satisfy your sweet tooth without compromising your diet.

So if you are considering to purchase HCG online but are held back by the thought of not having to eat normally, better think again because this will definitely not be the case with this kind of weight loss program. With the HCG diet, you will definitely have to eat well-balanced meals, have enough exercise, and drink sufficient amounts of water.

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Diet Plans: Protein Drinks, Proteins and Fat Burning Foods

Why are diet plans important? There are so many things that can go wrong with your diet program if you don’t have a plan. Plans are supposed to guide you and keep you on the right track. It’s a constant reminder that you have a target.

You have to write down your diet plans. You can’t rely on your memory alone to remember everything in your plan, no matter how simple they are, without jotting them down. The accuracy of your memory will only be able to hold in formation up to 5 days at most. After the 5 days have elapsed it becomes harder to remember the plans you’ve consigned to your memory.

What are the things you include in your plans? It’ll be good to write the food for each meal. Like breakfast for example, it should only include fruits and slimming teas or skimmed milk. You’ll be hungry after two hours, especially if you’re working. You can drink protein supplements and skip lunch. The effect of whey will last for four hours while casein will take you up to dinner. Casein gets completely digested after seven hours. Protein drinks will burn fats and will lessen your food intake.

In case you get hungry late in the afternoon, chewing diet candies will hold the fort until supper. Eat sparingly at supper with light foods but no carbohydrates, sweets, and fatty foods. A slice of lean meat and some vegetable salads will fit right in.

If you’re not planning to take in food supplements and will eat only regular foods instead, eat only protein rich foods. Proteins are fat burning foods. Every time you eat fat burning foods, they increase the body temperature and produce body heat. The heat produced will melt the fats and will reduce your weight.
Fatty fishes like, salmon, lake trout, sardines, salmons, and the likes are alright. They are great sources of Omega-3 fatty acids which are different from fatty foods. Omega-3 fatty acids will help in melt fats and remove toxins from the body.

You can drink coffee as well. Coffees are stimulants which also increases body heat and burn fats. Slimming tea and skimmed milk has the same mode of action comparable to coffee.

Diet plans, are really all about the foods that we should eat. If you’ll stick to it, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t lose weight at all. Some losing weight tips insist that we should eat protein foods because they are none fattening and will reduce the presence of fats in our body at the same time.

  • Foods with High Protein: Top 10 Diet Choices (
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Eat More To Lose Weight Fast

The quickest way to lose weight fast is…to eat more! Eating more doesn’t mean eating more volume, but simply more often. If you want to lose weight, you need to make a lifestyle change that will last for your lifetime, not simply for the few months that you are on a “diet.” Why does eating more often lead to weight loss and an improvement in your life?

If you try a starvation diet, it will work for a bit as you lose some fat, water, and muscle. However, when your body doesn’t get food, it slows down the metabolism and increases fat storage in order to conserve energy. When you do eat more food, your body is so good at storing fat that it immediately sucks up the food you do eat and stores it. As a result, you feel sluggish and see no results.

Thus, you need to keep your metabolism roaring in order to melt the pounds away. This is where eating more often comes in. Instead of 2 to 3 larger meals a day, focus on spreading out 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day. Meal in this case doesn’t mean a full meal, but rather more like a snack.

Doing this will accomplish two things. First, it will control your appetite. You will feel less hungry because you will be eating almost constantly. This will prevent you from slipping up and overeating just because you’re famished. Second, it keeps your metabolism roaring, burning calories throughout the day. When you do eat multiple meals, be sure to eat enough calories total so that you are under maintenance. In the end, you need to burn more calories than you take in, so be sure to make smart choices that will fill you, nourish you, and keep you satisfied until your next meal. Drink plenty of water too.