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Importance Of Exercise In Diabetes

People currently are suffering from numerous diseases. There can be many reasons for it, but some of the important once are intense pollution and global warming resulting in declining health of people on this planet. There are many such diseases attacking humans every new day. With this kind of atmosphere and polluted air to breathe, it is our responsibility to take good care of our health even though we are not suffering from any illness.

Medicines are not the only option for curing any disease. It is said that precautions and medicines controls your disease halfway and the rest should be controlled by you with the help of instructions provided by the doctor. Similarly, one should keep a tab on the most common illness of the world suffered by many people that is diabetes. Diabetes occurs because of high sugar and salt intake, tension, not enough sleep, etc. If one is suffering from diabetes, he can have a control over it with the help of exercise.

Exercise is very important for people suffering from diabetes. A human body should be fit enough to fight against any illness that he has. However mostly people ignore exercises and go for tablets and medication. Medications and avoiding sugar will just work half and the rest depends on exercise.

Some of the important exercises prescribed for diabetic patients are aerobics, strength training, fast walking, lap swimming, bicycling, etc. People should also take a a thorough care that they do not get any hurt on their body, else it won’t heal quickly and the wound will lead you in further troubles. So it is better to take a physical care in advance.

Exercises should be done on a regular basis and not just for a week or two. If once we begun doing the exercises, it should be continued for a long time because the body systems adjusts themselves due to that like hunger, thirst, physical shape, etc. Leaving exercise or performing it on alternate days is also a waste.

Exercise is the most prompt option to cure your illness quickly. Be fit and fine so that germs cannot attack your body quickly because diabetic patients catch infections very promptly. So to avoid getting into any other diseases a diabetic patient should focus on their heath as much as possible.

One should be aware about which exercises to be performed during diabetes because there are special exercises those are studied and then assigned. If we work hard, work fruitfully and not just for wastage of time and energy. So be smart and perform those exercises to be performed by diabetic patients. You can take help from doctors or even internet today can help you explaining what to do and how to do?

Proper intake of food is also very essential to generate good amount of energy in our body to kill the germs and escaping from any diseases. Medicines also will only work when we will have our food properly. So keep exercising properly for proper result.

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Endobarriers – for weight loss and diabetic control?

Gastric bands have been widely reported on in the press. Some of the results seem amazing. However any form or surgery carries risks and if there was a non invasive way to provide the same result as well as offering the potential to control or indeed to cure Type 2 Diabetes then surely this would be a good idea? Well a  new treatment, using an Endobarrier, is being trialled and some professionals are getting very excited about the prospects. Let’s see what it involves.

Obesity and class 2 diabetes are closely linked. No one knows for sure which causes which or indeed what the full links between the two are. What we do know for sure is that both are a serious and growing threat to our health.Professionals will measure how overweight you are by calculating your body mass index or BMI. If your BMI is over 30 then you are clinically obese.It has been suggested that there are as many as 525 million obese adults worldwide. The figures for diabetes are also quite overwhelming with over 250 million people living with the disease.

The endobarrier offers a non surgical solution to both these health problems. It is basically a plastic tube which is anchored to the duodenal intestine, immediately below your stomach, and it will regulate what food substances re absorbed into your body.It will stop fats, sugars and salts whilst allowing essential vitamins and nutrients to be absorbed. By preventing food from coming into contact with the bowel it can also stop certain hormones  and nerve signals from being released by the intestine.This then reduces the resistance to insulin which lowers the threat of diabetes.

The endobarrier is inserted through the mouth whislt the patient is under general anaesthetic. It should take about 20 minutes and there is no invasive surgery. It will sit inside the patient for 12 months  at the end of which it is quickly removed under a mild local anaesthetic.
It is important to realise that during and after the 12 months there is a suggested diet which as well as eating more healthily also encourages smaller portions and lots of fruit and vegetables. Exercise is also encouraged.

Who is suited for the procedure?

Anyone who Has type 2 diabetesIs and is between 18 and 60.Obese patients ( BMI over 30 and below 50)are also suited to the procedure.Your blood glucose levels are important and anyone showing over 7.5% but under 10.5% for their HbA1c should qualify. Another indicator of suitability would be a patient taking either oral glycemics or less than 150 units per day.

What might stop the endobarrier being fitted?

Anyone who
Has stomach ulcers (peptic ulcers)Has bleeding disorders (eg people with haemophilia or on anti-arthritis drugs)Has had major digestive surgery in the past

Are there any side effects?
Minor but you do get slight bloating and occassionally abdominal pains.

Let us all hope that this new procedure really does offer a good way forward for the treatment and control of these two major health problems.



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Article written by Mike Holly. Mike lives and works in the North of England and has been researching cottages throughout Northumberland.