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How to Monitor Your Heart Beat Rate While On The Elliptical Trainer

Even though most fitness novices do not really understand the necessity of monitoring heart rate while on the training machines, this guide is compelled to point out that there is a solid reason why most of the top cardio machines like treadmills, bikes and elliptical trainers come equipped with a heart beat rate monitor. In general, when you make the generous investment of purchasing one of the cardio exercise machines, you probably want to ensure that your workout routine is at an optimal level. But getting in shape as fast as possible implies far more than owning a high-end gym and training equipment; it also implies the ability of monitoring your progress and adapting your workout accordingly.

Use Heart Beat Rate To Avoid The Plateau Phase

In essence, what you need to avoid is getting stuck in the plateau phase, where the body is no longer forced to push the strength and resistance threshold further, therefore the muscles are no longer developing and you are not burning any adipose tissue during the exercise routine. For the goal of determining the level of exertion of the workout, the heart rate is an excellent indicator.

Avoid Excessively High Heart Rate

However, remember that while the heart rate under the recommended level means you are in plateau, the excessively high heart rate can be equally counterproductive. Therefore, what you will need to do is ensure the heart rate is at an optimal level and here is how the reading for each of the five zones should look like. On a side note, the maximum heart rate for an individual can be calculating by subtracting your current age from 220.

Primarily, warming up the body for the exercise routine is necessary, so this part of the workout should be designed to stimulate the heart rate no more than simple walks. The advantages associated with this part of the routine include lowering the blood pressure, the bad cholesterol and diminishing the percentage of adipose tissue. In the warm-up phase, the exertion should only solicit 50 to 60 percent of the highest heart rate. Next, you will be moving to the temperate zone, where the exertion increases from 60 to 70 percent of the highest possible heart rate, burning up more calories in the process.

The aerobic zone, which has the same level of exertion as the constant-paced jog, implies you will need to use between 70 and 80 percent of the high end heart rate in order to keep up. The aerobic zone of the workout routine has the purpose of boosting the functioning of the respiratory and the cardiovascular system and strengthening the heart. In the anaerobic zone, which is basically the equivalent of intensive running; the level of the heart rate should vary between 80 and 90 percent of the maximum capacity.

Finally, the red line zone which is a part of the routine that aims to push your limits should be performed only for a short amount of time; this utilizes between 90 and 100 percent of the max heart rate. When using the cardio vascular exercise machines, most coaches and trainers advise people to shift between these zones frequently in order to attain optimal results.

Pauly Singh was reading some reviews of elliptical machines on the internet and was amazed to find the importance of monitoring your heart rate while using it. So he would like to share his experience to help you find the best elliptical trainers through his article.

exercise weight loss

Treadmill Vs. Elliptical Trainer

Treadmills and Elliptical Trainers are just two of the most popular cardio machines but it seems like they are the only stationary exercise machines in the market because they are always compared from one another. There is always a question as to which one is better, which one is best, and which one is mostly preferred by many gym enthusiasts. While it is true that treadmills still come out to be the #1 workout equipment because it was around for a very long time and its wonderful benefits are still evident, it cannot also be denied that elliptical machines are continuously growing in popularity since it was introduced in the 90’s. Nobody knows, maybe one of these days, elliptical trainers will already be on top because of its many advantages and benefits over treadmills.
Treadmill Vs. Elliptical

The main advantage of treadmills over elliptical trainers is the length of time it was around providing people serious and extreme workout for physical fitness and weight loss. However, this advantage can be easily overcome by the number of advantages and benefits of elliptical machines and that what we are going to discuss. While it is true that elliptical trainers are only ideal for low impact exercises, this does not affect its rating because there are more people who are into less strenuous workouts than those who need a serious one. It is even an advantage to the elliptical trainers because its users do not suffer from strains on the feet and joints which usually happen to those who are using treadmills. Elliptical machines are also a good choice for those who cannot make walking or running for their daily exercise routine because of a knee injury or old age. Lastly, you can get a good elliptical machine within $600 and $1400 price range while good quality treadmills for sale will cost you $1000 to $2000. Getting an elliptical will save you a lot of money while allowing you to experience equally satisfying benefits.

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Working Out with a Whole Body Vibration Machine

Lose the fat just by standing in place? It does seem a little unrealistic. It’s no surprise that so many people have a really hard time believing that it is true. But whole body vibration machines are showing promise in delivering many results, as was demonstrated in recent research studies.

Believe it or not, now there is an exercise device that is able to make it easier for you to reduce your weight, and the only thing you have to do is just stand on the vibration plate.  It might be hard to imagine, but researchers are finding that it is not that unrealistic after all.  Working out on a vibrating machine provides quite a few health advantages.  One example is that you can eliminate belly fat by working out on one of these machines.

Russians were the first to use vibration machines during missions. However, they weren’t the first to make use of the technology.  A doctor from Battle Creek, MI produced a vibrating chair for his patients way back in the year 1895. The physician who introduced this piece of equipment was none other than Dr. John Kellogg, one of the two brothers who developed Kellogg’s Corn Flakes.

So just how is it possible to slim down by standing still?  It is due to the simple fact that even though you are immobile, your muscles are not.  Your muscle tissues are tensing several times each and every second you are on the machine in response to the machine’s vibrations.  These quick contractions help tone and strengthen the muscle tissue.  It does not take a lot of time to complete your daily workout with the vibration exercise machine.  It takes just ten minutes each day.

For many people, the weight loss and fat-burning that result from the use of the vibrating machine are plenty, but that isn’t all the device is useful for.  Some of additional advantages are improved flexibility and strength.  You will discover that as the muscles in your body strengthen, your performance in some athletic abilities will improve as well.  Vibration exercise machines may also help delay osteoporosis by reducing the loss of bone density.

Perhaps you are tempted to shop for a vibrating machine by analyzing the asking price alone.  However, you should be careful not to purchase a vibration exercise machine that was manufactured in China from inexpensive materials.  The shaking that the device has to withstand puts a great deal of stress on it, so you should consider a version that is made of steel.  The form of vibration is something else that you should take into consideration before you buy a vibration machine.  Don’t purchase a vibration machine that has piston, or tri-planar, vibration.  The most effective kind of vibration is pivoting vibration, which is also called oscillating vibration.

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Start Exercising At Home

Going to the gym and exercising is not as easy as it sounds. People have so many excuses why they can’t go to the gym. Its either they are too busy, too tired or simply don’t want to go to the gym. Others feel insecure when they see people who show off their well-toned bodies in the gym. This is where home fitness comes in. you can get fit in the comforts of your own home. The key to getting the perfect body is in you. You don’t need special machines to get started on your fitness journey.

First thing you need to do is be committed. You should be determined to lead a healthier and fitter life. You can start by doing some stretching first then you can proceed to the actual exercise. If you like running then you can go running in your neighborhood or a nearby park. If you’re into biking then get some fresh air and ride around town. If you want to stay at home then you can climb up the stairs repeatedly or do dome push-ups. These are easy home fitness exercises that most people can do at home.

If you want to lift weights then you can buy weight benches. Buy one that is adjustable at the top and bottom. This is ideal for different kinds of weight work-outs. Now, with these exercises there is no reason for you not to get fit. For others, they would want to buy an exercise machine. That is perfectly fine if you have the budget and space for them. Other machines cost thousands of dollars not to mention the space that they consume. Others who are serious in body building may buy basic weight benches that have a bar on top where you can put your barbell. Find an exercise or exercise machine that makes you comfortable. Exercising getting fit should be fun and you should enjoy yourself.

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Guide To Buying A Fitness Treadmill

The electric treadmill has become the hottest selling exercise equipment over the last 15 years. This means the sales of treadmills have exceeded any other kind of exercise machine. This is not surprising as the treadmill is the only machine that you can actually run and walk on. They have also many new features that enable you to make your workouts more interesting and challenging. Sports computers allow you to simulate the speed and gradient of specific races such as a marathon. With heart rate monitors you can gauge your performance and maximise the efficiency of your workout sessions. The huge demand for the this particular exercise machine has resulted in many brands coming on to the market such as Nordic Track, Trimline treadmill and Precor.

When it comes to buying a treadmill you want to make sure that you plan ahead otherwise you could end up paying a lot of money on a machine that you find out later is not suitable for you. Many people fall into this trap and end up with a very expensive piece of exercise equipment that just gathers dust in the corner. Before you make a choice there are a few considerations that you should make. With treadmills you tend to get what you pay for. For $1200 you will get a decent machine but for quality and long term treadmill exercise performance you should focus on machines within the price category of $3000. What sort of features do you want? Today treadmills can come with a variety of pre programmed workouts, incline features and heart rate monitors. These kind of features can add to the overall cost therefore, make sure that you really want them. In general terms the longer the warranty is the better the quality of the treadmill. Look for a warranty that has at least 3 years for parts and 1 year for labour.