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Some Effective Remedies For Constipation

People all over the world, from all walks of life, of all ages suffer from this condition. It is more common in woman especially pregnant ones and those who recently gave birth as well as in adults ages 65 and older. Also known by the terms dyssynergic defaecation, costiveness and dyschezia, constipation refers to infrequent bowel movements or stools that are hard to pass.

However, one who suffers from this need not fret as there are numerous constipation remedies that can provide much needed constipation relief. Some of these constipation remedies include bulk-forming laxatives, stool softeners and it can even be as simple as lifestyle and diet changes.

Bulk-forming laxatives:
Fiber in a person’s diet can do wonders to his or her body. Increasing the quantity of vegetables and fruits that are eaten is the best and easiest way of adding fiber to the diet. This translates to a minimum of 5 servings of vegetables and fruits every day.

Fiber supplements:
Psyllium husk supplements are the most popular ones. This is widely available in local groceries, health food stores as well as online. This natural remedy can come in handy for people who find the recommended amount of vegetables and fruits inconveniently large. It is also useful if consuming the recommended intake still does not provide adequate relief from the condition.

Another option is to utilize flaxseeds. Sprinkle one teaspoon of ground flaxseeds over any meal. Their nutty and mild taste ensures that the flavor and taste of the food will remain the same. An individual can also purchase flaxseed packages in some groceries and in health food stores.

Stool softeners:
They are also known as emollient laxatives. These are very useful because they contain a compound called docusate. This compound acts as a wetting agent. In the process, this improves the ability of the water located within the colon to penetrate and then mix with the stool. As a result, the increased water softens the stool.

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Oral HCG Drops vs HCG Injections

Once you have made the decision to buy HCG in order to help your battle against excess weight, you must then make the choice of how you want to administer this weight loss drug. HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is a hormone which is naturally found in the body.  By taking extra HCG you can help to trick your body into losing more weight and helps to prevent it from turning the food you eat into fat. By combining HCG with a healthy diet, you can help your body to lose the excess pounds that otherwise do not want to burn off.

Reasons to use injections

When HCG was first discovered for use as a weight loss supplement, there was no option as to how it should be taken. The only choice was to take the hormone through intramuscular injections.  Since this was the original method of treatment, it has become the most perfected and most common method of administering HCG. Due to the extra time which has been spent in perfecting HCG injections, you actually have to take less HCG in order to achieve the same effect.  Since the hormone is injected directly into the muscles it can quickly move into the bloodstream and begin helping your body.

Reasons to use oral drops

There are a large number of people who are not comfortable with the idea of sticking themselves with a needle daily in order to help them lose weight. After years of development, scientists have come up with a way to take HCG orally. These HCG drops are a much more pleasant alternative to the traditional injections.  Since they are not injected into the bloodstream it takes a higher concentration of HCG in order to see the same weight loss as you would with injections.

Which is better?

Many people prefer orally administered HCG in order to avoid the mental block they have with regular injections.  Orally administered HCG is also cheaper many times simply because you do not have to visit the doctor as often in order to ensure that the injections are being done properly. Some people may find that one type of HCG works better for them than the other application. Before you buy HCG of any type you should consult your doctor in order to make sure that it will not have any negative repercussions.