dieting weight loss

Garlic and Its Important Role in Quick Weight Loss

In the Four Hour Body book chapter on the PAGG stack supplement, Tim Ferriss says he owes the tip off about garlic for quick weight loss to a helpful homeless guy, passing comments at a restaurant barbeque.  But garlic has been known for centuries around the world, not only as a delicious ingredient in many regional cuisines, but also as a powerful health-giving ingredient.

Considered a natural antibiotic, garlic has had a resurgence in medicine in the light of fears of infection strains that are resistant to pharmaceutical formulations. Indeed it has been recorded as a herbal remedy for infection in Europe dating back to plagues in medieval times!  Often these plagues ravished the UK and northern Europe, sparing those further south who included garlic regularly in their diet.

It is also documented antioxidant, helping to lower levels of the dangerous low-density cholesterol, as well as accelerating the metabolism to act more broadly on weight control concerns – hence the inclusion of garlic in the PAGG stack supplement.  Parts of the world where use of garlic is a regular part of the traditional cuisine, such as in the Mediterranean basin, statistics often correlate with lower incidence of cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis – the Mediterranean diet is often touted as being great for heart health as well as weight control, for this very reason.

Despite the extensive and compelling anecdotal evidence, scientific trials on garlic often produce contradictory and inconclusive results.  Much remains unknown about the specific biological pathways involved, such as in the cholesterol-reduction effects.  One of the more powerful antioxidant factors in garlic is allicin, but this volatile ingredient is released when the clove is macerated or crushed, yet destroyed completely by cooking or ageing – and few delicious traditional Mediterranean recipes employ large quantities of raw garlic, in fact raw garlic can be hard on the digestion (just as with other raw alliums like onions), and needs to be used in small quantities only.

If there was likely to be any pharmaceutical profit in it of course the scientists could doubtless isolate the various compounds that react and interact in garlic as it behaves in the human body, but as an easily grown natural ingredient that would be unlikely to offer much return on investment, compared to synthetic statins and other products.  But the evidence remains, including Tim Ferriss’ ten years of testing as documented in the Four Hour Body, during the development of the PAGG stack (where aged garlic extract is combined with policosanol, alpha-lipoic acid and green tea flavanols to create a powerful fat-burning supplement).  Aged garlic extract was found by Ferriss to be the most potent and effective way of taking the large quantities needed for best effect, without having to consume it by the bucketload at every meal, or risk the equally-traditional ‘garlic breath’ that fresh extract can produce.  So responsible PAGG stack manufacturers like Pareto Nutrition use exclusively aged garlic extract, in precisely Ferriss’ recommendations, in their world-class product.

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Role of Fiber Rich Food In Health and Weight Loss

Fiber food is very important for our body as it helps to save us from many problems and diseases. In this article we will focus on the role of fiber rich food in reducing the weight.

What is Fiber Food and What Are Its Sources?

Fiber is the food that cannot be digested by human body and it is the plant based food. The fiber doesn’t contain any calories or nutrition and is passed through our digestive tract till it is excreted out. The examples of food rich in fiber are peas, sweet corn, carrots, apples, bananas, red cabbage, spinach, sweet corn, all bran cereal, beans and oranges.

What is the Function of Fiber Food in Our Body?
As stated earlier, the fiber cannot be digested by our digestive system and is passed through our whole digestive tract without providing any nutrients to our body. While moving through our gut, the fiber binds many materials with itself that are not good for our body. For example many carcinogens are attached with fiber and are excreted out of our body, reducing the chances of colon cancer. The cholesterol is also attached with fiber and is transported out of our body reducing the cholesterol level in body that ultimately helps in reducing the chances of heart diseases.

How Fiber Food Helps in Reducing Weight?
Obesity is a very common problem and it can lead to many other issues like development of symptoms of depression etc. Fiber food can help you in reducing extra weight, in many ways.

  1. The most important point is that fiber contains no calories. Many people skip their meals to reduce the intake of extra calories. You can get the same effect by taking your meal with major portion of fiber food. In this way you will not be skipping any of your meals and still getting lesser calories.
  2. You will feel full sooner, when you will take good quantity of fiber in your meal. As fiber stays longer in our stomach, as compared to other food items, you will feel full for a longer time and will not feel the need to take more food earlier. This will help you to take lesser food that will ultimately help you in losing extra weight.
  3. If your food does not contain the sufficient quantity of fiber the absorption of fat from your gut into blood is increased that plays an important role in gaining weight. When good amount of fiber is taken in the meals it binds the fat with itself and reduces its absorption in the blood. In this way fiber food really helps in reducing extra fat from your body.
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Jacked Supplement: Hand in Hand with a Well-Executed Plan

When putting together a healthy lifestyle, it is important to educate yourself about how the body metabolizes and why it is important to enhance your metabolism as much as you are able. Those that remain on the straight and narrow of good health learn quickly how to put into practice practical healthy eating habits and scheduled exercise.

While there is no perfect workout/dieting program that applies to everyone equally, there are true principles that should be taken into account when formulating your own daily routine. Your diet is the first place you should start your weight loss efforts. Concentrating on what in your diet is causing weight gain and learning how to balance your fruits, vegetables, meats, grains, dairies, and so forth through small and frequent meals, will go a long way in burning fat and increasing the overall health of your body.

After organizing a dieting effort and sticking with your guns, you need to put together an exercise program that is suited for your needs and desires. The kind of body you want will greatly influence the decisions you make when picking or forming your own workout. It always helps to learn about the human anatomy and how the body works when considering what you want to look like. Keeping a healthy image in mind and not some impossible form on a magazine cover is crucial in maintaining healthy changes in your lifestyle. If you do not do this, you will quickly be disappointed and will lose interest in continuing the process of becoming healthy.

After you initiate a healthy workout plan side by side with your healthy diet, you can start to use Jacked supplemental products. These Jacked supplements can help increase your body’s performance and stimulate natural processes within the body to happen quicker and longer.

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Talking About The HCG Diet In HCG1234 Reviews

The hCG diet is once again gaining popularity and the hCG1234 reviews are there to prove it.  It was a trend way back in the 1950’s but has made an impressive comeback nowadays.  But the hCG diet is not as it used to be.  With the modernizations of nowadays, the original hormonal diet has also been subjected to a few modifications as well.  In the past, the hCG injections were rampantly used for the diet but now, they have been replaced with sublingual or oral homeopathic drops.  This is good news for those who want to try the diet, but are afraid of injections.

Countless hCG1234 reviews are discussing about the difference of the original hCG diet and the modified hCG 1234 diet program now.  One of the main points of discussion is the change from the use of hCG injections to the use of the oral form or the hCG drops.  According to studies, it has been found out that the effects of the injections are basically the same with that of the effects induced by the drops.  Though the amount of the hormone in the drops is in small doses, the effect on weight loss is still pretty much the same.  Because of this, experts have opted to use the drops instead of the injections.

Another point discussed in hCG1234 reviews aside from the use of hCG injections is that the principles or the protocols of the old hCG diet and the modified version are still the same.  There is still the use of the hormone in order to boost the capacity of the body to burn away the unwanted or abnormal fats.  These fats usually appear in the problem areas such as the abdomen and the arms.  They are called as such because they seem to be very stubborn and difficult to tone.  But with the hCG diet, the fats lurking inside could be easily burned away.

According to the hCG1234 reviews, it doesn’t matter if the dieter uses hCG injections or the hCG homeopathic oral drops because the effects are basically the same.  There may have been a few modifications especially with the number of calories to be ingested, but the principles are the same.  The modified hormonal diet still makes use of the same protocols and still delivers the same good results.  The rapid weight loss could still be achieved.  If there are any doubts, it would be good to read through the reviews.  The reviews could help to dispel some fears over the hormonal diet.

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How Supplements Can Assist in Weight Loss

Stop Worrying About Your Weight: 5 Supplements That Assist in Weight Loss

With the society’s standard of beauty today, women are constantly in search of supplements to help in healthy weight loss.  Why is this important?  One reason is that healthy weight boosts self-confidence.  When you are healthy, you are most likely able to do anything you need to do because you look and feel good.

Another important reason is that it is healthy to have a healthy weight.  Your organs and body can function well.  You do not get easily sick and you have more energy to carry out your tasks all throughout the day.  To help you with this dilemma, this article presents you with 6 supplements that can aid you in healthy weight loss.  In addition, their processes are explained.

Jump over your weight loss obstacles with the help of the supplements below:

  • Fish Oil – aids in converting your body’s fat into fuel that the body can use.  It even prevents you from having food cravings.  About 1000 to 2000 mg is the recommended daily intake.  If you want to try this, you might want to consume low dosage at first as higher dosages might cause minor sleep disorders.
  • Green Tea Extract – has antioxidants called catechins that are said to improve metabolism and promote fat burning process.  To boot, green tea is actually said to suppress hunger pangs and cravings.  Not only that.  It sustains you with the energy you need all throughout the day.  The recommended dosage is about 10 to 20 drops of the liquid form per day or 2 400mg capsules.  If you want, you can opt to mix the extract with your beverage or food.  One caution though.  Excessive intake can cause diarrhea, nervousness, and insomnia in some cases.
  • Guggul – works well in losing weight since it converts body fat into energy.  For three months, consume a 500mg capsule thrice a day to reap the benefits of shedding weight.
  • L-Glutamine – stops your food cravings by sending fuel to the brain.  This clearly aids in weight loss as you are prevented from consuming more calories.  For optimum results, consume 2 500mg capsules thrice a day for two months.  Let them dissolve under your tongue to see great results immediately.
  • Reishi Mushrooms – These mushrooms function as strength builders.  Not only that.  They also provide you resistance from illnesses.  These traits make them effective in healthy weight loss.  When you do your strength and resistance training, you are most likely successful in completing your daily workout routines.  It is advised to take only 10 to 20 drops of its liquid form or 600 mg of its form capsule.  However, avoid this is you are allergic to mushroom.  In additions, do not consume this after your cup of coffee as this will make you jumpy.

All these supplements have one thing in common.  They all have the same goal – which is to convert fat into energy and help you lose weight to keep your body healthy.  However, I suggest that you consult your physician first before taking any one of them.  Also, consuming supplements alone will not help you.  You also need to exercise to get the healthy body you have always been dreaming of.  So what are you waiting for ladies and gents?  Go to your doctor now, consult, exercise, and start losing weight.  Good luck!

Author’s bio:Marcy Gray loves writing about various subjects and topics. She passionately researchers answers to questions people have and writes articles about them. She often writes about reviews on baby care products such as the first years wave stroller and britax b ready stroller. She has been working in the baby care industry for three years now.

dieting exercise Green Tea weight loss

Talking About The HCG Diet In HCG1234 Reviews

The hCG diet is once again gaining popularity and the hCG1234 reviews are there to prove it.  It was a trend way back in the 1950’s but has made an impressive comeback nowadays.  But the hCG diet is not as it used to be.  With the modernizations of nowadays, the original hormonal diet has also been subjected to a few modifications as well.  In the past, the hCG injections were rampantly used for the diet but now, they have been replaced with sublingual or oral homeopathic drops.  This is good news for those who want to try the diet, but are afraid of injections.

Countless hCG1234 reviews are discussing about the difference of the original hCG diet and the modified hCG 1234 diet program now.  One of the main points of discussion is the change from the use of hCG injections to the use of the oral form or the hCG drops.  According to studies, it has been found out that the effects of the injections are basically the same with that of the effects induced by the drops.  Though the amount of the hormone in the drops is in small doses, the effect on weight loss is still pretty much the same.  Because of this, experts have opted to use the drops instead of the injections.

Another point discussed in hCG1234 reviews aside from the use of hCG injections is that the principles or the protocols of the old hCG diet and the modified version are still the same.  There is still the use of the hormone in order to boost the capacity of the body to burn away the unwanted or abnormal fats.  These fats usually appear in the problem areas such as the abdomen and the arms.  They are called as such because they seem to be very stubborn and difficult to tone.  But with the hCG diet, the fats lurking inside could be easily burned away.

According to the hCG1234 reviews, it doesn’t matter if the dieter uses hCG injections or the hCG homeopathic oral drops because the effects are basically the same.  There may have been a few modifications especially with the number of calories to be ingested, but the principles are the same.  The modified hormonal diet still makes use of the same protocols and still delivers the same good results.  The rapid weight loss could still be achieved.  If there are any doubts, it would be good to read through the reviews.  The reviews could help to dispel some fears over the hormonal diet.