It sounds like something right out of Hollywood. Imagine a hero slashing his way through dangerous, enemy-infested archaeological relics in search of the holy grail of modern weight loss science and lore: the mysterious and powerful “list of fat burning foods” that will miraculously solve America’s epidemic obesity problem.
It really doesn’t have to be as dramatic as all that, as fun as the idea might sound. Fat burning foods are actually currently available in every grocery store in the United States. Unfortunately, most shoppers don’t spend much money on them. Instead, they go after processed foods, over-processed carbohydrates (like breads and pastas), piles of sugar, and corn syrup-laden “energy” drink concoctions. The result is that collectively, our hind quarters look far more bovine or pachyderm than human these days, and the obesity epidemic is starting to get way out of control.
Lots of people are afraid to even try diets that work. They’re afraid it might entail months of suffering through cardboard-like fiber snacks, strange potions, and gag-inducing “super foods.” The biggest fear is that they won’t enjoy what they’re eating, they’ll only stay on their new “diet” for a few weeks or months, and then fall right back into their old flabby ways.
I had much the same fear a little bit over four years ago, when I first set off on my quest to lose 42 pounds. Happily, I discovered that clean eating and fat burning foods are actually delicious. I took all the weight off in a little over seven months, and I have kept it off since then. I would never have succeeded if I didn’t enjoy the taste, texture, and consistency of the foods that I ate, regardless of how much benefit they were giving to my body.
What’s the list of fat burning foods I used? Be prepared to be surprised, because it’s a very simple prescription: eat meats (if your politics permit), vegetables, nuts, seeds, and some fruits. Eat starches (breads, potatoes, pasta, rice) only very sparingly, and avoid sugars altogether.
It really is that easy!
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