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What Does It Really Mean to Be Overweight?

Obesity is an ever increasing problem in the US now-a-days. Studies show that over 66 percent of Americans can be categorized as either fat or obese, and the medical community is even going so far as to call it an epidemic. However, with today’s aesthetic standards as portrayed by the media and the fashion community, it can be very tough to decipher what is actually a healthy weight. No doctor would recommend trying to be stick-thin, but we all know that obesity is dangerous to the health. So, where is that healthy midline? What, exactly, does it mean to the general public to be “overweight?” Here are the plain facts:

Overweight (Photo credit: just.Luc)

The definition. Being overweight means weighing more than what is healthy. This amount varies from person to person, as it depends on factors that are unique to each person’s build. Therefore, what is overweight for you might not be overweight for someone else.

Overweight compared to being obese. It is important that you understand that overweight does not necessarily mean obese. Healthy (or unhealthy) body weight is graded on a scale, including the categories of “normal weight,” “overweight,” “obese,” and “morbidly obese.” Each level has its own set of qualifying factors and, of course, morbidly obese is the most dangerous. Being overweight means being one step above normal weight, one step below obese, and two steps below morbidly obese.

What factors are used to determine overweight? Your body mass index (BMI) is used to determine where you are categorized on the health/morbidly-obese scale. Your BMI is a measure of your body’s composition, accounting for how much you weigh in relation to your height. There are various different methods to calculate BMI. The simplest is to use an online BMI calculator, but for the most exact figure, it is a good idea to see a doctor or nutritionist. If your BMI falls between 25 and 30, you are generally considered overweight. However, it is important to keep in mind that BMI has no way of accounting for your muscle to fat ratio. This ratio can make a major difference in your overall health, and therefore can change your status as overweight. For example, if you are a serious athlete with a lot of muscle, you may weigh more than someone else your height who is at a “normal” weight, but that doesn’t mean you are overweight.

Overweight is a term that is used loosely, which makes it confusing when determining whether or not you fit into that category. Your best bet is to consult with your doctor to figure out if you are overweight, and if you could benefit from lowering your BMI.

About the Author: Tommye Lounder is a health and wellness specialist who specializes in educating people about their bodies. He enjoys researching common medical conditions, including candida expert opinions, heart health, addictions, and the body’s metabolism.

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Considering Laser Liposuction

Going for liposuction surgery is now not something you need to hide or be ashamed of, for our image-obsessed trend nowadays approves of anything you do that will help you look and feel better about yourself. Sure, liposuction may just be a plastic surgical procedure that won’t give the same healthy benefits as eating right and exercising properly, but as long as you’re willing to pay upwards of a thousand dollars and bear some pain and bleeding the few days after the surgery, you can end up having a slimmer body and a higher self-esteem. And with the popular new techniques available for liposuction, you can even encounter fewer risks while the fat is removed and better results after the surgery!

Laser liposuction is one of the most sought after new liposuction procedures. This special kind of liposuction surgery involves the aid of laser technology, which is beamed at fatty tissues to liquefy them and make them easier to suck out. It is also said that the laser lights stimulate collagen growth on the skin for a smoother result, and that the blood vessels will be less engorged with blood due to the effect of the lasers, so you will get less bruising as compared to the other liposuction techniques.

However, there are also other studies that show the effects of laser provide little or no benefit during liposuction. Laser liposuction is definitely more expensive than other more traditional methods due to the extra expense of using laser technology, and some critics say that the higher price is not worth it and that you may even be paying more money just to get a higher risk of side effects, like blisters and burns, that can occur due to the laser. How much does liposuction cost? Laser liposuction can cost a maximum of around six thousand dollars on part of the body, while standard liposuction is estimated around four thousand dollars. So is getting laser liposuction worth it, or will you be better off saving more money and risking fewer side effects with standard liposuction instead?

On the Web MD site, a study is reported of people who received both laser liposuction and standard liposuction on different sides of their abdomen, and the conclusion was that people with loose skin may benefit more from laser liposuction such as SmartLipo, for the laser devices used can actually increase skin tightening after recovery from the surgery.

Liposuction procedures differ all the time; techniques like water-assisted or Vaser liposuction may be better for you than standard or laser. To get the best results, always visit an experienced surgeon who is properly licensed. Good plastic surgeons can also evaluate which liposuction technique will suit your body best, and provide for you before and after pictures of their former patients so you can be more assured of the quality of their work.

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5 Ways to Keep You Stress Free While Dieting

Recent studies by the medical community have established the link between stress and heart diseases in overweight individuals. Hence, the more stressed out an individual is, the more likely are the chances of him suffering a heart attack, which is triggered on by stress. Also, stress has been found to impede weight loss in an individual. This makes it necessary to stay stress free if you are a participant of the HCG diet program in order to achieve effective weight loss. Here are some useful tips to stay stress free while on the HCG diet.

  • Exercise – Exercise is one of the best and most effective stress busters. Involving yourself in a regular physical workout can expend a great amount of pent up stress from your body. This would prevent the build up of lactic acid in your body and prevent you from obesity related diseases that affect the heart and kidneys.
  • Yoga – Meditation is a holistic way to relieve your body of stress while on the HCG diet. Dedicate a certain amount of time everyday to practice yoga. This would channel all the unwanted stress and convert it into positive energy, which would relax and soothen your body and mind.
  • Positive frame of mind – One of the most essential things to do while on the HCG diet is to cultivate a positive frame of mind. Thinking positively can solve a whole host of problems including stress. A positive mindset would also goad you on to accomplish your objective and make your weight loss endeavor a success.
  • Introspect – At times during the HCG diet you might experience a bit of stress due to your constant craving for food. Take some time out to introspect and ask yourself the objective behind what you are trying to accomplish. Losing weight and looking good again is an excellent reason that would spur you on and help you beat stress.
  • Avoid stress foods – There are certain foods that can cause stress and pressure in an individual. These are often foods that are high in saturated fats and calories. Junk food such as burgers, hot dogs etc should be avoided at all cost while on the HCG diet. Apart from preventing you to lose weight, consuming these foods would raise the blood pressure in the body, leading to the build up stress.

Engaging yourself in creative pursuits is another great way to beat stress while on the HCG diet. Painting or learning a musical instrument are some very holistic ways of channeling the pent up energy in the body and regulating the levels of stress. Activities such as reading or listening to music can have a very calming effect on the body and prevent the onset of stress.

HCG diet package provides an online resource for diet tips and to purchase HCG diet drops. Learn how to get and stay fit.


Introduction To Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic procedure to alter the shape and size of a woman’s breasts and this procedure is also known as breast implant, mammoplasty enlargement, breast enlargement. The breast enlargement is mainly done for primary reconstruction, primary augmentation, revision reconstruction, and revision augmentation. In primary construction, the breast tissue that has been removed during trauma or cancer treatment is replaced. In primary breast augmentation before and after, the breast size is increased for some cosmetic reasons.

In revision reconstruction, revision surgery is performed to improve the condition of the original reconstruction surgery. The surgical procedure takes about two to four hours and there are different types of procedures. The procedures vary with respect to implant material, incision type, and implant placement. The different incision types are inframammary, periareolar, transaxillary, transumbilical, and transabdominoplasty.

Inframammary is the most commonly used incision type and here incision is made below the breast. This type is more preferred for silicone implants and this technique leaves thicker and visible scars. In periareolar, the incision is done on the areolate border and the scars are less visible. This method causes many problems and most common problem is trouble with breast feeding as the nerves and milk ducts are cut during the process. Transaxillary incision is made near the armpit and this method leaves no scars.

Transumbilical is the least used technique where incision is placed in the dissection tunnels and navels. This method does not show any visible scars, but carrying out this procedure without any error is more difficult. Transabdominoplasty is similar to transumbilical. The two major types of implants are saline and silicone gel. The saline shells are prepared from silicone elastomer and after completing the procedure the implants are completely filled with salt water. During the procedure, the saline implants are empty, and thus leaves no scars. Saline implants may cause some problems such as wrinkling and rippling. Silicone breast implants are more suitable for a woman with more breast tissue.

The silicone gel implants are best described in terms of five generations. The first generation silicone-gel was of tear drop shaped and was filled viscous, thick gel. The second generation shells were thinner and came with less cohesive gels. Due to some difficulty in this implant, polyurethane foam coating was done on the shell. This type of implant was later discontinued due to carcinogenic problems. The third and fourth generation represented more advancement in the manufacturing techniques. In these generations, the implants shell was coated with elastomer and gel was thicker and more cohesive to avoid cosmetic problems.

The fifth generation marks the improvement of the efficacy and safety of the implants with fewer problems. The different implant placements are subglandular, subfascial, subpectoral, and submuscular. After the procedure, the patients will be able to resume their normal activity in a week. Women who have undergone this surgery are advised to restrict exercises and any strong physical activity for at least six weeks. The scars begin to fade after few months of surgery. Breast implants does not last longer and therefore, a woman might need a revision or repair surgery. 

  • Women prefer silicone to saline after mastectomy (