Author: Mario Tomic, owner and writer at, my website is dedicated in helping people with fitness, bodybuilding and weight loss. Jump to my website from time to time if you like to learn the latest proven techniques on how to building muscle, lose weight and develop an amazing body. Thanks!
You could simplify things and say “I exercise every day and I’m successfully losing weight”. That might be true, but maybe I can help you burn more fat and lose more weight by making an easy adjustment. I’m writing this article for people that want to learn how to maximize their results. This is not something you have to do, but I believe that every person want the best possible results when doing something. Research shows that to lose weight we have to spend more calories each day then we eat. The formula seems quite easy, but there are some tricks on how to get more results in less time. One of the tricks I’m writing for you today is how to pick the best possible time to exercise each day if you want to burn more fat.
How the time of the day when you exercise directly affects fat burning?
If you exercise early in the day, once you had only 2 meals your body will burn more fat then if you did the same workout later that day, an example would be:
- 7:00 – You just woke up and had breakfast
- 10:00 – You ate your Second meal
- 11:30 – Weight training + 20 min cardio after
- 13:00 – Post workout meal etc…
Secret here is that your resting metabolism will burn more fat after the exercise and also will use up more energy to recover as you will be awake for more time if you do the exercise early. Problem with working out late is that you go to sleep soon after your workout is done and then the metabolism boost goes to waste, since metabolism naturally slows down when sleep hormones are released.
Pros and cons of working out early
Biggest pro of early exercise is that you’ll burn more fat, that sounds amazing and it is. However exercising earlier has its cons, one is that you will have most definitely have less strength then if you trained in the late afternoon. The other con is that it might be harder to warm up and you will have to spend more time doing it just to be sure you are ready for the workout to avoid any injury. Research shows that the body gets stronger as the day goes on, and the peak strength is somewhere around 18:00. If you goal is to only build up strength and mass without worrying about fat loss i suggest that you train in the late afternoon and save the early workouts for the cutting phase. They say Arnold Schwarzenegger used to exercise early when he was cutting for Mr. Olympia, he trained very early in the morning claiming that the peak testosterone levels in the morning help build muscle and burn fat at the same time.
Building a perfect daily exercise routine
Most successful people in the fitness industry use a simple technique in planning. They come up with the perfect exercise day and try to make each day as close as possible to that. We are all human and there are a lot of factors involved in weight loss, for example one day can be a bit stressful and stress is proven to affect weight loss and maybe the next you got some other urgent issues to attend to so you have to skip your workout, these things happen and there is no way to escape life. But we will all admit that this is not something that happens every day, most of the days you have spare time for workout but you decide to watch TV or do something else that will not bring you any closer to your goals. Even if you don’t have time in your busy life to visit a gym every day there are no excuses not to try a home workout routine with no equipment required. You must motivate yourself to overcome these obstacles and just be goal oriented, once you start getting results you will easily find inspiration by simply looking at the man in the mirror. You don’t need to look at any fitness photos, your own mirror can be the motivation that keeps you going when it is the hardest.
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