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Four Tips To Healthy Restaurant Meals

Eating out has become a part of every American household’s life. It is that one occasion where Mom gets to forgo cooking and the family gets together over delectable meals whether to celebrate special occasions or simply to just unwind and relax. But with the recent statistics on American obesity coupled with the revelations on the exceedingly high amount of calories found in most restaurant meals, many point to one as the cause of the other.

The problem is that avoiding the cafes, fine dining restaurants, and fast food joints all at the same time seems to be quite inconceivable for some, especially with the increased temptations of the many Italian, French, American and Asian restaurants proliferating in our cities today. The good news is that there are effective ways by which you can enjoy your usual dining outs while still staying true to a healthy and nutritious meal.

Screen the Restaurant’s Menu

Before your dinner date with the family, experts advise taking the time out to pull up your restaurant’s menu online. Doing this will allow you to sort out the healthy meals from the not so good ones and the internet is also a good way to conduct a calorie count to check on your chosen dishes. Plus it makes ordering much easier and you can easily check on whether you can use your O’Charley’s coupons to save on extra money.

Order a Meal to Your Specifications

If you feel that the menu items falls short on healthy choices then feel free to specify on how you would want a particular meal to be prepared. You can always ask to have your meat grilled, steamed or broiled instead of fried and you can opt to exchange your greasy fries for vegetable side dishes instead.

Ask Questions

Asking questions at a fine dining restaurant does not mean to say that you are ignorant, on the contrary it simply means that you are smart enough to familiarize yourself with their menu. In fact, many weight loss blogs emphasize the importance of asking about the ingredients in your dishes and how they are cooked. You will be surprised to know that even your healthy salad can be packed with calories you don’t even realize.

Get your H2O Fill

Instead of ordering wine, soda or juices that are all sugar enriched, why not gulp down on healthy and all natural water. If you find it too boring, then ask your waiter to add in a fresh squeeze of lemon or lime to invigorate your H20.

Living healthy is a matter of choice and once you’ve chosen this path, sticking to it is all about being conscious of what goes inside your body.


How To Dine Out And Still Remain Fit

A lot of your weight loss program will evolve around eating out at your local restaurants.  Sometimes you’ll just be too tired to cook and other times it may be a business meal or simply a social gathering with friends.  Although pleasurable, dining out can make it harder to get rid of that chubby belly and eat healthfully.

At home you are in complete control over what goes into your food and how it’s prepared.  The power is often shifted to restaurant cook when you dine out.  However, there are a few things you can do while still enjoying your dining experience without undermining your commitment to get rid of body fat.

Below are three tips that will assist when dining out:

Tip #1

Don’t hesitate to order off the menu. Many times the restaurant has exactly what you want to eat but not in the right combination.  For example, if a restaurant sells eggs, you can order egg whites only.  What if you’re at a restaurant where spaghetti is on the menu?  You would know that they also have some olive oil, which is a healthy fat, on hand.  Ask the server to have the chef grill you a boneless chicken breast in olive oil instead of butter.  Most restaurants are glad to accommodate you if you’re willing to ask.

Tip #2

Split your dish with a dining partner.  Most restaurant portions of food are ridiculously large and it seems that they are even getting bigger.  Split a meal with someone at your table.  Many restaurants may frown upon this and you can understand why but just offer to pay a split charge to keep everyone happy.  Another alternative is to ask the waiter to reduce the portion to an appetizer size.  Don’t be pressured into ordering those supersized portions and be sure to compensate your waiter or waitress by leaving a larger gratuity.

Tip #3

Have a healthy dessert.  Opt for a bowl or cup of fresh in seasoned fruit, a little sorbet or frozen yogurt.  If these items are not available then suggest going somewhere else for dessert.  You may discover that your sweet tooth has left you by the time you drive or walk to the next place.