Human chorionic gonadotropin or hCG is a hormone, which is naturally produced by the body; however, it can also be taken as a supplement to shed extra body fat. The hCG medical diet is given to patients to cut down their calorie intake without causing any side effect.

The hCG diet is very effective and has been used for several years. The secret of hCG diet is that it drastically lessens the uncontrollable cravings, debilitation and biliousness, besides others. It has the ability to burn extra body fat, but not the tissues that your body needs the most for vital systemic function. Besides, hCG also changes the body metabolism and allows the body to burn fat in a way that anneals your hunger and helps you lose weight safely and efficaciously.
A large number of men and women can use hCG to shed extra weight. It is effective for everyone; however, it is effective for those who exercise on a regular basis and diet, but don’t see any significant change in their body weight.
How does hCG work?
hCG hormone is produced naturally in both men and women. However, its secretion increases significantly by the placenta during pregnancy in order to act as a safety net. If a pregnant woman’s calorie intake decreases, the body sends an urgent signal to the hypothalamus to get fat from the body’s reserve fat stores, the adipose tissue. This stored fat provides a good source of energy. hCG does not break structural fat, but only extra deposited fat.
The hCG weight loss program is run by ThriveMD — it is a medically monitored program in which expert nutritional guidance is given. You will need to follow this weight loss program in three distinct stages. In the first stage, you will need to start with a 3 short weeks of dieting. This is followed by 3 weeks of monitored stabilization; and finally, 3 weeks of care. No heavy exercise is encouraged while following this weight loss program.
Is there any side effect of hCG medical diet?
Those who follow this program earnestly will be able to lose up to 2 pounds of weight each day. Most people following this hCG diet program feel satisfied and full of energy. There is rarely any side effect reported.