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Foods That Make Us Gain Weight

Learning about food is crucial if you want to get control of your body. What you eat will determine how you look more than anything else, including exercise.

I used to be a lot heavier than I am now, and that was mostly because of food. Even after I started working out, I got fatter. This happened because of food. Working out can’t always be enough to offset your diet, especially if your diet is really bad. For a while, mine was.

Avoiding foods that make us gain weight is huge if you want to ‘own’ your body. This lesson will help you to do just that. Here are the biggest culprits:

Processed Sugars

Processed sugars are one of the most likely of foods to make you fat. You can find them in a variety of sources including pretty much all sweets, sodas, and sweet tasting baked goods such as cookies, brownies, cakes, etc.

You will also find a large amount of sugars in many breakfast foods including waffles, pancakes, crepes, and most cereals.

Processed sugars wreak havoc on your blood sugar and cause excessive insulin response. Since excessive insulin response causes appetite issues, your eating can really get out of whack if you consume processed sugar. Get them out of your diet.

Unhealthy Fats

Eating weird, manufactured fats can really mess up the hormones that regulate your body. Many oils are hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated to increase the shelf life. Unfortunately, this process also increases your waist line. These oils make your body believe that it needs to store fat and when you eat them, it does just that.

The oils and fats that you need to avoid are sunflower, canola, and vegetables oils, and fully hydrogenated fats such as Crisco and other shortenings.


I’ll admit that refined grains are much worse than whole grains, but grains are a problem in general. Your body converts grains to sugar and does it in a hurry. There are definitely times when grains are ok to eat, but eating a lot of grains will add to your fat levels, even if you’re eating the ‘whole’ variety.

Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners are perhaps the worst thing you can consume if you want to control your weight. They will really mess with your appetite and I can promise you that you will consume more calories overall if you use these little devils. They trick your body into thinking that calories should be coming and when they don’t, it freaks your body out. If there’s one thing I’ve learned by working with people at The Skinny School, it’s that sweeteners must be completely eliminated before significant, lasting progress can be made.

If you want to make lasting changes to your body, you should start eating whole foods with an emphasis on fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. This will help your body to heal itself hormonally and get on the right track. Be very careful with processed foods. Nothing from a box will make your body healthier.

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Essential Nutritional Advice That Everyone Should Follow

As more and more people become interested in longevity, there is an intense new focus on the role that nutrition plays in the overall health of one’s body.  There are some well understood nutritional facts that are helping people dramatically improve their well-being. When you are looking for something to snack on, open the refrigerator. You will most likely find choices that are more healthy than anything you can find in your pantry or freezer. Try filling your fridge with fruits and vegetables so you always have easy access to a snack.

One should look to the food pyramid when wondering how they can give themselves the best nutrition. The information obtained will greatly help one plan their meals to the best effect. Nutritional information should be studied to learn the best foods for one to have in their diet for optimal nutrition. Spinach is a great vegetable to consume and advantageous for your body as well.  You can add this vegetable to any meal that you choose, to restore the vitamin E in your body.  Spinach helps to reduce the amount of oil on your skin during the day and night, yielding a softer skin palette.

It can be hard to maintain proper nutrition during pregnancy when you’re feeling tired, so plan ahead for days when you just don’t have the energy to cook. Take advantage of those days when you are feeling good to make a second tray of lasagne or a double batch of chilli to freeze for later use.

Try buying your fruits and vegetables at a farmer’s market near you. Not only do locally-grown foods have a minimal impact on the environment, but they are also better for you, since small farms generally use less harmful chemicals. It’s fun to walk around and sample all the delicious fruits and vegetables. Converse with the farmers to ensure you know exactly where and how the food was produced.

Instead of snacking on sweet items like cookies and ice cream, try their healthier counterparts. replace cookies with items like granola, oatmeal and cereal and fruit bars. For ice cream, try going with low-fat or non-fat yogurt. These options not only taste better than the unhealthier ones, but you get nutrients like iron, calcium, fibre and much more in your diet.

In conclusion, if you want to live a long and healthy life, nutrition must play a role.  What foods go into your body do matter to the length and quality of your life.  The science of nutrition provides invaluable insight into the building blocks of your body, and how to maximize their potential.

Scott lives in London and orders South Kensington Delivery whenever peckish.

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What Is The Best Diet On The Market?

The quick and easy answer is that there isn’t one!  Many diets can work and are effective but it is important to find the one that works with your body and lifestyle.  It’s a generally a good policy to take a look at which diets are popular because those ones tend to have a high rate of success.  But no matter what a diet claims, it may not work for everyone.  You may have heard of some recently popular diets like the Acai diet or the 17 Day Diet, but do you know what they are about or how they work?  It’s important to know what a diet entails before deciding to try it out.

One diet in particular that has recently gotten a lot of media attention is the HCG diet.  This diet was actually created about 50 years ago by Dr. Simeons but has only recently become popular.  The main reason is because it has only recently been developed into homeopathic HCG drops which can be taken orally.  Before the drops the HCG had to be taken through injections and were usually quite expensive.  With the ability to take them without having to go to a clinic or pay a lot the drops have become quite popular.

The HCG diet is actually very simple.  It requires you to go down to a 500 calorie per day diet which restricts many different foods.  It’s basically 2 servings of protein, fruits, and vegetables per day.  This doesn’t sound like much food per day but many people on this diet say that they are very satisfied and sometimes even too full with only 500 calories.  The reason is because the HCG hormone tells the body to burn abnormal fat levels to use for energy.  In fact, while on the diet your body will typically burn between 2,000 to 3,000 calories a day of fat.  If you were to undertake this type of dieting without the HCG drops your body would burn muscle and normal fat levels before the abnormal fat levels which would cause you to feel hungry and tired.

Another great thing about this diet is that it requires no exercise.  The dieting phase of this program can be as long as 42 days or as little as a week depending on how many pounds you have to lose.  Most people lose about a half a pound up to three pounds a day while on this diet.  And finally, it is fairly cheap (about $80) to get on this diet.  As mentioned earlier not every diet works for everyone so most HCG companies online offer full money back guarantees with no questions asked if within the first 30 days of purchase.  This allows one to try the diet to see if it will work for them.  There isn’t a lot of risk with that type of guarantee.

So the best diet on the market really is a hard question to answer in general terms.  It is best to think about your needs and then go over current diets on the market and see if they fit with your needs.  And if one diet doesn’t work for you don’t get discouraged, simply try out another one until you find one that works!

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5 Easy Methods To Make Your Diet Healthier

These days, men and women are concerned with revitalizing their diets generally to feel a little healthier by shedding a little weight. It’s a terrific idea to make your diet better, however it takes a lot of determination to stick to it day in day out. From personal experience, it might be a bit too much to totally overhaul your diet, so modifying things bit by bit can be more effective. Simply add in healthier foods and phase out unhealthy foods. Below are some tips for improving your diet plan:

1) Make Sure Your Diet Is Well Balanced

It’s important to eat a well balanced diet, as an excessive amount of of one thing is not good. As with the majority of lifestyle decisions, food included, the answer is moderation. Eat adequate carbohydrates to sustain your energy. Eat a few fats, as they are very important nutritionally – just do not get carried away with the “bad” fats. Eat a lot of protein to maintain the well being of your cells. Fiber is very important too – you want your gastrointestinal system to remain healthy and active.

2) Cut Down The Amount Of Your Portions

Smaller portions will benefit you. Nowadays lots of us overeat due to the fact we are greedy, at least when it comes to food. We all tend to want to inhale huge helpings of food when we’re really, really hungry . . . and it always leads to that miserable over-stuffed feeling. Eating an excessive amount of means you’ll put on fat and your stomach will grow even bigger meaning you will start requiring more food to feel fuller, which isn’t a good thing. Do not reduce your portion sizes drastically, simply reduce them slowly making sure that your stomach gets used to it and it will eventually then shrink.

3) Make An Effort And Eat Fresh Fruit And Greens

Certainly try to include a lot more fruit and veggies, as they are a vital part of any diet. They include lots of minerals and vitamins that your body demands to function the right way. Shoot for five pieces of fresh fruit or veg for every day. This means anything like celery, bananas, peas, lettuce, broccoli, grapes, etc. It’s not overly hard!

4) You’re Not In A Competition

Did you know it takes roughly 20 minutes for your belly to start feeling full? This indicates you should slow down your eating. We’ve all had the experience; we eat a huge dish of food, but we’re not really feeling full – so we grab something more to eat. Yet in reality, our body got all it needed 10 minutes ago. So, sit back, eat slowly, unwind and take pleasure in your dinner!

5) Avoid Excessive Amount Of Sugar

Sugar gives a nice sweet taste to most things you put it in, therefore it’s no wonder all of us like it so much. Since it is in all kinds of unlikely foods, you can’t totally avoid it, but you sure can restrict it. One thing that you can do is to eat lots of nice, sweet fruit, or something else containing less processed sugar. If you must drink soft drinks, always go with the diet ones.

Start following these five rules, and you’ll be taking a giant step toward a healthier and leaner you. These suggestions are simple to implement, so there’s no justification not do them!

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Why You Shall Not Be Lured By Synthetic Diet Products

If you are quite desperate to lose some excess fats from your body and you want the quickest way to accomplish it, then dieting is probably not for you. Hence, you might stop wishing and dreaming for a perfectly fit and healthy-looking body figure. Moreover, you no longer have a hope if you want to resort in using synthetic weight loss supplement products that you see in different ads everywhere. Actually, you are not alone in being a victim of these fake, synthetic and chemical-based medicines that are allegedly capable of making you lose weight the fastest way possible. There are plenty of people like you who have been lured by the enticing promises of these products, so no blame to you at all.

As a replacement for that, what your attitude should be to deal with the real cause of your problem. However, do you know the cause of your problem in the first place? If not, I will make it clear to you.

If you will only read several articles in the internet like the Weight Loss for Idiots forum, you will know that there are at least two (2) major reasons why people get too fat.

On the one hand, the first reason is more inclined to the hereditary, hormonal or genetic characteristics of a person. This needs laboratory intervention and cannot be resolved by merely taking diet pills or medicine. There needs to be an expert’s attention in resolving this.

On the other hand, the second main reason is the unhealthy eating habit of people. This is actually the most common reason of people why they are getting fat. Hence, the only solution to this is to make your meals healthier. What the Weight Loss for Idiots would prescribe you is to alter your consumption of calories-rich food. This is because these are the source of fats.

dieting weight loss

An Easy List of Fat Burning Foods

It sounds like something right out of Hollywood.  Imagine a hero slashing his way through dangerous, enemy-infested archaeological relics in search of the holy grail of modern weight loss science and lore: the mysterious and powerful “list of fat burning foods” that will miraculously solve America’s epidemic obesity problem.

It really doesn’t have to be as dramatic as all that, as fun as the idea might sound.  Fat burning foods are actually currently available in every grocery store in the United States.  Unfortunately, most shoppers don’t spend much money on them.  Instead, they go after processed foods, over-processed carbohydrates (like breads and pastas), piles of sugar, and corn syrup-laden “energy” drink concoctions.  The result is that collectively, our hind quarters look far more bovine or pachyderm than human these days, and the obesity epidemic is starting to get way out of control.

Lots of people are afraid to even try diets that work.  They’re afraid it might entail months of suffering through cardboard-like fiber snacks, strange potions, and gag-inducing “super foods.”  The biggest fear is that they won’t enjoy what they’re eating, they’ll only stay on their new “diet” for a few weeks or months, and then fall right back into their old flabby ways.

I had much the same fear a little bit over four years ago, when I first set off on my quest to lose 42 pounds. Happily, I discovered that clean eating and fat burning foods are actually delicious.  I took all the weight off in a little over seven months, and I have kept it off since then.  I would never have succeeded if I didn’t enjoy the taste, texture, and consistency of the foods that I ate, regardless of how much benefit they were giving to my body.

What’s the list of fat burning foods I used?  Be prepared to be surprised, because it’s a very simple prescription:  eat meats (if your politics permit), vegetables, nuts, seeds, and some fruits.  Eat starches (breads, potatoes, pasta, rice) only very sparingly, and avoid sugars altogether.

It really is that easy!