
Three Great Weight Loss Tips

Don’t worry about others all the time. Living trying to make everybody happy is  requires a tremendous amount of effort, which most of the times turns out to be fruitless and bad for our appearance.  In spite of all our best intentions, there will always be something we do or say that someone around us will not like. If we let this cause frustration, tension and a sense of guilt, we are handing ourselves over to weight issues. The solution to this is not becoming selfish, but becoming autonomous. Your weight loss motivation will be higher than ever and losing weight will be easier.

Disguise yourself, not only when it’s Halloween. We all have been tired of our “character” at least once. Tired of saying yes, or no all the time, or following our sense of duty and our principles. Being too strict never pays off, and our body always knows better. “Hard” mind in a “soft” body is not the ideal situation. Learn how to be different from time to time, get out of your normal role, surprise the people around you. Your scales will confirm that it works.

Only answer when you are asked. A large body often comes with a large ego, which tends to invade other people’s spaces, and imposes upon other personalities, unsolicited. Answer this question honestly: do you answer to questions you are not asked? Do you tend to do things in place of someone else? Do you interfere with choices that are not up to you? Do you give advice or comment on anything all the time? If this is the scenario, it is time to mind your own business: downsize your ego and your body will follow.

They don’t look like weight loss tips at first sight, but I followed them over the last three years with excellent results on my waistline.

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