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Fast Weight Loss Tips for Women Over 50

If you are a woman who is over 50 and is looking for fast ways to lose weight, then this is the right article for you! Hormonal changes typically occur once you reach your middle ages and with this, you are sure to find yourself gaining more and more weight in a very rapid pace. First, you will see you thighs get saggy and a lot bigger, then your buttocks and then your belly. This will occur continuously, if you are not careful and do nothing about it. If you want to put a stop to it and ultimately get back in optimal shape, here are a few tips with regards to fitness women over 50. Read on now!

1.) Keep your intake of carbohydrates low, especially during dinner time. Carbs are what fuels your body; hence the reason why they are called “energy giving foods”. You need a good dose of carbs so you could function at your best. It is best that you consume plenty of carbs (but make sure they are of complex kind) during mornings and the afternoon since this is the time of the day when your body’s energy demands are at high. If you consume too much carbs at night wherein your body is at rest, there is a high chance that they will get stored into your system as fats.

Weight Loss Tips for Women Over 50
mohamed_hassan / Pixabay

2.) Make sure that you include plenty of protein in your everyday meals. Protein is not just known to help build muscles mass, but they also regulate fat. Protein also promotes the release of the body’s hormone referred to as glucagon which is essential in counterbalancing the fat building properties connected with insulin.

3.) Start with bodyweight circuits. Knee push ups and wall squats are great resistance exercises for women. It is also best that you include cardio routines such as jumping rope, jumping jacks and your good old jogging into your daily exercise program for optimum weight loss.

Now, if you wish to find out more great tips grab a copy of the Fit Over 40 eBook. This program will provide you with nothing but surefire tips on how you can remain vibrant, fit and young as you age.

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