dieting exercise weight loss

Is there an Ideal Abdominal Workout Routine to Lose Tummy Fat?

If you were to ask any fitness or body building coach which question they get asked most frequently by their clients it would be, “Which abdominal exercise should I concentrate on to get rid of my belly fat?

As bizarre as it may seem, there isn’t one. Doing exercises that specifically target the abs are not enough to produce a sufficient metabolic response to cause fat loss.

Here is the regrettable truth. There is no miraculous individual workout that will shed excess fat from the stomach. Yet the majority of people believe there is.

The thing is… they are not going in the right direction about solving the problem! The reality is individual exercises on their own are not enough to lose fat.

My own personal answer to the question; what are the best types of exercises to concentrate on that are the best way to lose weight from the belly?  Is I would say without hesitation “full body exercises.”

Full body exercises would encompass a much higher percentage of the workouts I would design, instead of exercises directly targeting the midsection for example.

The way you combine full body exercises into a strategic workout that maximizes your metabolism is also very important. Don’t misunderstand me… A small amount of time certainly should be given to workouts that directly impact the abdominal muscles, but the largest quantity of time should be dedicated to the full body exercises that create metabolic changes.

In addition, a side-effect of working out using mostly full body multi-joint combo exercises are that you indirectly work your individual muscle groups as well, even though you are not specifically targeting them.

When it comes to diets that work the vital factor is actually in the field of correct nutrition. If all you eat is junk food you will have abs surrounded by fat no matter how hard you train. The main weapon for acquiring a six pack is nutrition.

Just so there is no misunderstanding…

If you want six pack abs you must stop wasting your time on worthless ab contraptions like leg raises and crunches etc. It is much better to spend your time on effective high metabolism fat reducing workouts.

If you add to that a diet of highly nutritious, unprocessed foods you will have those six pack abs before you know it.

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