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Some of the popular issues with the hcg diet

If you have read any health magazine or browsed the Internet at all within the last year, you have likely heard of Dr A.T.W. Simeons and his HCG diet. It was discovered while studying in India and is a very calorie restrictive diet with HCG supplements. It’s aim is for dramatic weight loss, but that does not come without a few concerns from the health community.

Issues with too low of a calorie intake

Unlike a 1500 or even 1000 calorie diet, 500 calories is extremely low. You can easily consume 500 calories in a hamburger with fresh veggies and a large salad. That said, it is important to ration your calories throughout the day by eating very little. This does not come without some unwanted side effects. The first being mild to severe headaches. This is typically due to the withdrawal of caffeine or junk food in people’s normal daily consumption, and can often be quite severe within the first couple weeks. More issues with limiting your calorie intake is muscle cramping and fatigue. Proper water consumption will help fight many of these unwanted side effects within the first several weeks.

Injection problems

This is probably one of the biggest hcg diet dangers. One of the popular methods of getting hcg into the blood stream is by injection. If you do choose this option make sure you get it administered by a doctor or a registered nurse. This will avoid any complications of injecting yourself, such as blood clotting.

Not a long term solution

One of the biggest concern for many health professionals about this diet is the fact that it is not a great long term weight loss solution. What happens after people lose their weight, stop taking the HCG, and go back to their old way of eating? Worst still what happens when they stop their hcg supplementation and they try to maintain a 500 calorie diet? They will enter starvation mode and burn off their muscle mass. The trick to long term success is to change your way of life through education and repetition.

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Some Fad Diets That Work

Taking a healthy diet and exercising regularly are a few ways you can do to lose weight. Dieting is also another method you can use to lose weight, but it does not work for everybody. In case, you want to lose weight within a short period, consider using fad diets that work.

Taking a juice diet is one of the best ways to keep your body healthy. The juice diet ensures that you get all the relevant nutrients like vitamins, which help to burn fat in the body. Besides burning body fat, the juice diet helps you lower the amount of carbohydrates you consume every day. The best juices to consume are in their natural state for example, pineapple, tomato, grape, carrot, or even orange.

An example of other diets that work fast may include taking cabbage soup. This is a diet for those who are very eager to lose weight. The main ingredient for this diet is cabbage soup, which is among crash diets that work to reduce weight very fast. Celebrities and models mainly use this method to maintain good body shape.

There are many crash diets that work fast and grapefruit diet is another example of such a diet. Grapefruit substitute a number of foods regularly digested by the body. It also helps to increase the rate of metabolism in the body system. Increase in the rate of metabolism, will quickly help burn accumulated fat in the body.

There are several other fad diets that work and will help you reduce weight in a short time and motivate you towards healthy living habits. If you happen to try a particular fad diet and notice good results, avoid abusing it or practicing it all time. Regardless of the weight loss diet you select, ensure that you are living a healthy lifestyle even after losing extra pounds by taking a balanced diet.

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Some Effective Remedies For Constipation

People all over the world, from all walks of life, of all ages suffer from this condition. It is more common in woman especially pregnant ones and those who recently gave birth as well as in adults ages 65 and older. Also known by the terms dyssynergic defaecation, costiveness and dyschezia, constipation refers to infrequent bowel movements or stools that are hard to pass.

However, one who suffers from this need not fret as there are numerous constipation remedies that can provide much needed constipation relief. Some of these constipation remedies include bulk-forming laxatives, stool softeners and it can even be as simple as lifestyle and diet changes.

Bulk-forming laxatives:
Fiber in a person’s diet can do wonders to his or her body. Increasing the quantity of vegetables and fruits that are eaten is the best and easiest way of adding fiber to the diet. This translates to a minimum of 5 servings of vegetables and fruits every day.

Fiber supplements:
Psyllium husk supplements are the most popular ones. This is widely available in local groceries, health food stores as well as online. This natural remedy can come in handy for people who find the recommended amount of vegetables and fruits inconveniently large. It is also useful if consuming the recommended intake still does not provide adequate relief from the condition.

Another option is to utilize flaxseeds. Sprinkle one teaspoon of ground flaxseeds over any meal. Their nutty and mild taste ensures that the flavor and taste of the food will remain the same. An individual can also purchase flaxseed packages in some groceries and in health food stores.

Stool softeners:
They are also known as emollient laxatives. These are very useful because they contain a compound called docusate. This compound acts as a wetting agent. In the process, this improves the ability of the water located within the colon to penetrate and then mix with the stool. As a result, the increased water softens the stool.