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Best Blender Recommendation: The Ultimate Smoothie Maker Machine

Losing weight is hard, no question about it. So, if you are trying to shed some pounds, you need all the help you can get. No wonder there is an entire industry trying to sell stuff to people on a diet. Certainly a lot of these products can be helpful, but most of the stuff you really can do without just fine.

However, there is one product that I think can be extremely helpful for anyone who is striving to eat a healthy diet and maintain an optimal weight, and that is a quality kitchen blender. And when it comes to blenders, there are really only two blenders on the market that are worth your money: VitaMix and BlendTec. Both of them are excellent appliances, and if you are trying to weight pros and cons of Blendtec vs Vitamix, there is one thing to keep in mind: you cannot really go wrong with either of them. They are both excellent machines and best smoothie makers on the market today. Although they cost considerably more than your average blender available in the stores, they are well worth the investment.

You know that when trying to eat healthy, you should eat lots and lots of fresh fruits, vegetables and greens. Eating raw foods is especially helpful when trying to lose weight fast, as you don’t need to limit yourself and count calories when eating these foods. Fresh raw fruits and veggies are quite filling (lots of fiber), while requiring lots of energy to digest – so you don’t gain weight no matter how much of them you eat.

However, most people have trouble implementing this simple change into their busy daily schedule. The problem is that some of these healthy dishes – salads, vegetable soups, stews, etc. – take lots of preparation time. Just washing, drying and chopping all the veggies for a salad, and then the time required to eat that salad – raw foods definitely take longer to chew than cooked foods – will most likely take over 30 minutes. While this isn’t a lot – it’s often more than an average person is willing to spend.

Of course, you can use a food processor or a cheaper blender, if you own one, to help you with all the chopping. However, investing in a quality blender is in my opinion a worthy investment. You can prepare smoothies, blend your salads to a consistency of a stew, or make soups. Green smoothies are gaining popularity lately as they help people increase their consumption of super-healthy leafy greens that most of us lack in our diets. With either one of these blenders, you can replace up to nine other kitchen appliances –no need for a separate grain mill, ice-cream maker, smoothie maker, milkshake maker, juicer, coffee grinder, or ice crusher. Just try it and I guarantee that you’ll love it!

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Making Your Smoothie Recipe Even Better for You!

Looking to eat healthier? Try making smoothie recipes a regular part of your diet. It is a perfect way to easily get in those fruits and vegetables that most of us struggle with. In addition to adding fruits and vegetables into your smoothies, let’s take a look at some other things you can add to your smoothies to make them even healthier

Kefir or Yogurt

Although many people believe that animal proteins are bad for you, yogurt and kefir just may be the exception to this. Their proteins are easily assimilated in to the digestive system thanks to the fact that they are predigested. They help add in the good bacteria to your gastrointestinal tract which can help your body prevent bacterial infections. They can bee added to just about any smoothie recipe.

Pomegranate Juice

A few studies have linked pomegranate juice with improved blood flow, an increase in the “good” cholesterol, and a reduction in certain types of cancer.


Even if you don’t have a green thumb, growing sprouts is unbelievably easy. And, there are so many different types – from lentil sprouts, to broccoli sprouts and of course the traditional alfalfa sprouts Sprouts are extraordinarily rich in enzymes and can reduce your bodies need to manufacture enzymes. Eating sprouts oxygenates the body and is believed to starve out cancer cells. Clover and alfalfa are ideal for smoothies because they blend well.

Wheat Germ

Although you will likely want to add a bit of extra water to your smoothie maker, wheat germ is a great addition to your smoothies. It is very high in the B vitamins as well as vitamin E. Research has shown it to be effective in helping to prevent birth defects. It can also help if you are looking to improve your hair, skin and nails. It should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container as it will go rancid quite quickly.

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Great Muscle-Building Smoothie Recipes

Smoothies are efficient and delicious way to pack a whole load of nutrients into your diet without having to sit down at the dinner table for a huge meal. Many of us looking to build muscle or loose fat simply don’t have the time to prepare and cook complex hot meals so throwing together a few nutritional heroes into a blender is the next best thing. I often like to drink smoothies at breakfast time as this tends to be the time of day when I’m in a mad rush to get out the door and on my way to work. Smoothies are incredibly versatile however and can be made and consumed easily at home, in the office or in the gym.

Here are some delicious easy recipes to get you on your way to smoothie heaven.

Mango-Blueberry Freeze

This a a great smoothie for the morning, the blended frozen fruit really gives you a wake up call and the oats provide slow releasing carbs that will keep you full all morning.


50g Frozen Mango

50g Frozen Blueberry

75g Oats

1 Scoop Vanilla Protein Powder

250ml Semi-Skimmed Milk

Simply throw all the ingredients in a blender for seconds until you get a smooth, consistent paste. This should be thin enough to drink straight from a glass but thick enough to eat with a spoon if you wish. The sweet mango and tart blueberries compliment each other perfectly giving just enough sweetness to enliven your taste buds first thing.

Choco-Coffee Comforter

Imagine the situation, you invite all your friends around to watch a film, they come baring fatty, salty snacks and sugar-laden buckets of fizzy drink. You want to dive in but your guilty conscience gets the better of you, what can you sit down with and enjoy while your friends gorge on their calorie packed snacks? The Choco-Coffe Comforter may be your answer!


2 Tablespoons Coco-Powder

2 Teaspoon Instant Coffee

2 Bananas

1 scoop Chocolate protein powder

250ml Semi-Skimmed Milk

Whizz this lot up and you will be rewarded with the most divine tasting chocolately, coffee-y concoction that just melts in your mouth. If this is too thick for you simply adjust the amount of milk you add. You could even make this into a hot beverage by adding some boiling water. Present this in a nice glass, dust it with some coco powder and a couple of chocolate drops and you will have an evening treat to make your chip n dip scoffing friends green with envy!

Joe is an avid health blogger who currently works for a van leasing firm.